Thieves Try to Cash In $234,000 In Dimes At Coinstar Machines
Robberies might be a dime a dozen. But, a robbery of actual DIMES?
Thieves Literally Stole Tons Of Dimes
According to USA Today, the feds are charging four men for stealing tons of dimes from a tractor-trailer in Philadelphia.
The driver was sleeping when the theft occurred. They loaded $234,500 worth of dimes into another vehicle, USA Today reports. The stolen dimes were part of a whole series of robberies that included things like crab legs, shrimp, meat, beer, and liquor.
Surveillance video showed guys dressed in hoodies breaking into the truck with bolt cutters, and filling small bags with dimes. Then they escaped in a getaway car. But apparently thousands of dimes spilled out of the bags in the process. Like ET leaving a trail of Reese’s pieces, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.
They Tried To Cash The Dimes In A Coinstar Machines
The crooks sold the food over the internet. But they actually made several attempts to cash the dimes in. Because what do you do with a quarter of a million dollars in dimes? Can’t just keep loading up your pockets.
They went to banks and Coinstar machines across Pennsylvania and Maryland. But they were only able to cash in a few thousand dollars. Where the rest of the dimes are? Well, no one seems to know.
Lots of Dimes Means Lots Of Time Behind Bars
When I was a kid, you actually had to roll coins in the round paper coin rollers. Then came the casino, and bank coin dumps. Those machine could count them really fast. It was a joy to drop them off and watch your coins be counted in the blink of an eye!
Now, even some banks and casinos won’t take your coins. And Coinstar takes a percentage. So in my mind, I’m picturing these guys at a Coinstar machine yelling, “JUST HOLD ON!!”
The suspects: Rakiem Savage, 25, Ronald Byrd, 31, Haneef Palmer, 30, and Malik Palmer, 32. They’re are facing charges that include conspiracy, robbery and theft of government money.
If they’re convicted, they will probably be locked up for several decades.
We have more on this and other stories in today’s Other News!