The Mike & Carla Morning Show

Mike & Carla Morning Show

Las Vegas Neighbors Are Tough To Get To Know

If you've lived hear for any amount of time, you begin to realize that Las Vegas neighbors are tough to get to know. It's not like back in other parts of the country where you hear about people saying that the love their neighbors! This came up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show since Carla Rea has had new neighbors for the past 6 months. She lives in a close knit little street, yet she has not met the people living right next to her. Here in Las Vegas, we have brick walls separating each and every home. People all working different hours during the day and night. And most of us tend to be a little suspicious of others right off the bat. Admit it, our town just seems to be a melting pot of people from everywhere, With that said, we are from somewhere and the only thing we have in common is that we live here right now. Las Vegas Neighbors Are Tough To Get To Know! If you look at an article from Orchard, they have a list of suggestions as to how to make that first meeting go smoothly. Organizing a house warming party, walking your dog, and much more. So, in Carla's case, most listeners texting in suggested she just goes up to the door, knock and say "hi"! It seems pretty easy, but with her morning show hours and not knowing what these people do for a living it's been pretty tough. Keep in mind though that it's been six months since they moved there a statute of limitations? Would it be kind of odd for Carla to go next door and welcome her "new" neighbors? Some listeners said to offer up a cake, a pie, or some other form of treats. Nonetheless, it's a conundrum for Carla since she was great friends with the former home owners. But listen to the segment and listen to what other suggestions we had for her...and enjoy!

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