New Toilets Could Eliminate Skid Marks Forever
There’s been a major scientific breakthrough – in skid marks!
Could We Possibly Have Clean Toilets Forever?
It’s the worst. You lift the lid, and there it is – eww!
Researchers might have discovered a way to fix toilet bowls so that, well – waste – won’t stick to the bowl.
Have we just given up on curing cancer, or climate change? Or maybe this was just a side passion project for the real Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj?
Poo Free Toilets:
I get it -no one wants to see that in their toilet. But how do you stop the natural landing, and stickage – and skid marks, left behind Well, you can keep flushing over and over, but doing that uses a lot of water, right?
Study Finds has a whole batch of info about Scientists who used 3D printers to come up with a super-slick toilet bowl surface. It basically hits, then just quickly slips down the bowl, to the water
They wanted to find a material that would stay slippery, and not just put a coating on the bowl. A coating could break down over time. They tested it by using sandpaper on it 1,000 times, and it stayed intact, and held out nicely.
I wonder about those of us who live in Las Vegas, where our water is so hard you could bounce it off a wall. That hard water eats at everything it touches, especially porcelain. So I’m intrigued.
The Testing Process:
The test is kind of eww, because they needed to use a fake poo. They used all sorts of goo’s, like yogurt, and honey. The made almost an oatmeal like poo you can see a picture of here. (I promise, it’s harmless)
Apparently the super dooper slippery pooper (what I think it should be called) performed well, and stayed clean!
Don’t know when the new, state of the art, poo resistant toilets will be available to consumers. Or even for businesses, cuz – public restrooms. Double eww. But I do know I’m in!
Next up: fitted sheets that fold themselves, Cha-ching – million dollar idea!