Now, imagine you’re on the next flight and you’re sitting in that same seat. You put in your headphones in the pocket, your phone , so it's handy. Oh - or maybe you put your laptop or tablet in there. The next time you touch your device, you have all those gross leftover germs on your hands - or your face, your mouth, and eyes. Again - EWW!
The seat-back pockets aren’t the only germ infested places in a plane. Everywhere from the bathrooms, to your tray tables are home to a number of bacteria and viruses.
Swab tests done on seat headrests came back with Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Hemolytic bacteria (just look em up - I don't want to ruin your meal). Seat-back pockets tested positive for aerobic bacteria, mold, coliforms, and E.coli. Germs, germs, and more germs!
Experts say the best way to combat germs is to use hand sanitizer, and to use disinfecting wipes on all surfaces, including the seat, tables, seatbelt - so, basically everything!