Are You Someone Who Throws Things When You Are Frustrated
It’s a simple question, are you someone who throw things when you are frustrated? Maybe you are, maybe you’re not, but it did come up this morning on The Mike & Carla Morning Show.
Carla Rea admitted that in going to therapy, she asked what she could do with her recent frustration. Her therapist had asked her if she has ever thrown anything. Evidently it’s a great way to relieve tension, frustration and even anger.
Keep in mind, all this is done without aiming it at anyone specifically. Carla came out and said that it was not in her behavior to do something like that. However, she was willing to give it a try.
Are You Someone That Throws Something In Frustration
In fact, her therapist suggested maybe she buy plates or cups specific for breaking. Carla even thought of going to Goodwill to buy a set to have on standby.
On the other hand, if you are that person or live with someone who is a “thrower”, there’s an article that Evolve put out talking about this very thing. Good reading in how to cope when you feel the need to throw or even punch a wall.
But back to the subject at hand, quite a few listeners called in and texted in on how, or maybe we should say what, they handle their frustration.
One guy said that he simply goes to the gym and works out on the punching bad they have there. Something that Carla does as well. One other guy said going to the gun range was he way of coping.
The best one came from a woman who said she has an axe handle. When she gets a little frustrated, she just takes the handle and starts beating the fence. After a while and a deep breath later, she feels fine.
We all thought that was a great way to handle it…Carla even gave a thumbs up! As Mike O’Brian said, Christmas is right around the corner!
So, take a couple of minutes and listen to the segment from this morning…and enjoy!