Donating And Tipping: Do You Do It All The Time?
It’s a simple question, right? When it comes to donating and tipping, do you do it all the time? Probably more so the tipping when you go out for a bite to eat or dinner, but what about donating?
The Mike & Carla Morning Show brought this up this morning and found out that a lot of listeners have their own system.
Keep in mind that we’re talking about those donation cups at the checkout counter. Or even when you are checking out, it’ll ask you if you’d like to round off your total for a donation.
Do You Donate Each And Every Time
Before we go any further, we should note that Fidelity gives tips on improving donating to those charities in your favor. One big suggestion is to have a goal. What would you like to donate throughout the year?
To some, it’s a process…for example, Carl Rea donates every OTHER time she goes out to a store. Oh, she has thought this through, but there is a downside. She finds herself explaining to the counter person so she doesn’t get judged for not chipping in a couple of cents.
Believe it or not, charity “shaming” also came up during this conversation. Does it really matter to you if no one sees you putting a couple of bucks in the tip jar? To some, it does as a matter of fact.
Morty talked about the situation he found himself in and not getting recognition for throwing a couple of bucks in the bucket. It’s true, those of us who do, we want those to know, “Hey, I’m putting something in the tip jar!”
Because when we get down to it, it’s all about the recognition right? Okay, maybe not all of us…but listen to the segment and see what you think and how you feel about it!