Celebrate National Fart Day
Let it rip, because it’s a national holiday – National Fart Day. Well, at least according to the internet. I say “according to the internet” to clarify that it was not on my personal calendar.
Yes, according to the National Today calendar, that all of us use to try to find something to celebrate (and if you don’t, you should. Because you will learn something new everyday), February 5 is a big day! And, I guess it’s ok to – celebrate? I work with two guys – they celebrate a lot!
Let’s Talk About Gas – In You, Not Your Car
Everyone does it. Whether you know it or not, the average person – this means you, too – passes gas between 15 and 20 times per day. Don’t worry – if you accidentally pass gas today, you have an excuse.
By the way, this isn’t a new thing, it’s been a “holiday” for 16 years now. Although, sadly, it’s still not a federal holiday. It’s mostly just for fun. but remember, people that passing gas is NORMAL. Cedars Sinai reports that most humans produce between one to four pints of gas daily.
Some Fun Facts For National Fart Day
Here are a few other facts about far – – passing gas.
1. Gas is primarily caused by two main things: Swallowing air “when you eat or drink too quickly, chew gum, smoke, or wear loose dentures.” And your body’s good bacteria breaking down undigested foods in the large intestine.
2. Johns Hopkins reports that most gas is made up of odorless vapors: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sometimes methane. But the “good bacteria” can release gases that contain sulfur, and that is what produces the rather unpleasant smell from gas.
3. And it’s true, men produce more, umm, aromatic gas than women. Remember – women “puff.”
Cutting The Cheese Properly To Celebrate
If you’d like to celebrate this interesting holiday with a cheese cutting party, here is a TikTok on how you do it the right way. And I mean cutting ACTUAL cheese.
You use a fork to cut even slices from a block. It’s pretty cool. You just press the fork prongs down along the edge of the cheese to make indentations. Then use those as a guide to make all of your cheese slices the same. IF that’s even something you care about doing. Maybe for the big Super Bowl party!
So, happy National Fart Day. If anyone asks why you’re passing so much gas today, tell them you’re “celebrating!”