Here’s A BRIGHT Idea, Don’t Put Light Bulbs In Your Mouth
We’ve all seen the stories of people putting random things in their mouths, and it makes you wonder WHY?!
Well, a man in China almost got himself seriously injured because he thought it would be a funny idea to put a light bulb in his mouth.
What? Why Would He Do This?
There was a video on Facebook that had been circling around, showing that putting a lightbulb in your mouth could cause your mouth to lock up, and the bulb would be stuck. So, if you know it’s a bad idea, why do it? Well this man from China wanted to see how valid this video actually was. The video that was viral showed a man doing the “Lightbulb Challenge.” After watching the video, a man from Eastern China name Chen didn’t believe the video, so he did it, according to The Straits Times.
He Suffered The Consequences
Chen had no issue putting the lightbulb in his mouth. But when he tried to remove it, he couldn’t. The video was true! The glass part of the lightbulb was in his mouth and the metal bottom of the bulb was sticking out of his mouth. He couldn’t speak or swallow. And worse yet, he couldn’t move his head or mouth too much because the glass could break and a serious injury could happen. His jaw was dislocated on one side and it was impossible to remove it.
He Was Saved
Chen somehow contacted the fire department to help him. They were hesitant to help or do anything with the light bulb. They instead took him to a local hospital where the doctor slowly and carefully removed it using a mouth opener. The bulb was in his mouth for over two hours!
News Flare posted a video of Chen and the doctor interacting. Placed in Chen’s mouth was a light bulb wedged between his teeth. It looked almost impossible to remove it.
Why Is It Harder To Remove It?
In a video, they show that the bulb is easier to insert because your mouth is relaxed. But when trying to remove it, your mouth starts to tense up and your teeth end up getting in the way. The video also advises people to NOT do this. Sadly when you say “don’t do” something, people will do it.
We have details on this dumb story and more in today’s Other News!