Why Does Your Gas Smell: Kids Want To Know
Why does your gas smell? And why does yours smell worse? Kids asked this very scientific question.
There Is An Explanation For Why Your Gas Smells
Yes, we’ve stooped that low. But after running across a very interesting online publication called The Conversation, I had to write about it. And, of course, giggle at the same time.
You can write questions in to The Conversation, and they will answer them. There is a section called Curious Kids. Questions from children – and you know that kids have some of the best questions. And they are always followed up with “why?” Ummm, because. Go ahead and say it: Because I’m the adult!
After reading this one particular question, I realised that there apparently aren’t any stupid questions. And honestly, I think a lot of people would secretly like to know the answer to this one.
A six year old girl name Kian wrote this one in, and asked the very important question: “Why Do Some Farts Smell, and Some Don’t”? And I know many of you are as curious a little Kian is.
Watch What You Eat
In a nutshell: It depends very much on the food you eat, and how much sulfur gets turned into hydrogen sulfide. Which literally smells like rotten eggs.
They also talked about why some farts feel – well – hot. Spicy food has a chemical called capsaicin (kap-SAY-sin). Capsaicin is also used to help relieve pain. Like neuralgia, and muscle pain. An it is indeed hot!
When you eat a lot of capsaicin, your body isn’t able to break it all down. So, very simple explanation: It goes in spicy, and it comes out spicy too. Those of you who like spicy foods – YIKES!
Other Questions Kids Have Asked
In all honesty, although the passing gas question may seem silly, there are some great questions from kids on The Conversation: What are tummy rumbles? Why do our noses get snotty when we are sick? Why do fingers get wrinkly after a bath or swim? And many more that are actually very fascinating!
So now you know why some gas that is passed smells, and some doesn’t. I mean in case that was a high priority question for you.