Hey Guys, Try Using The Penny Method When Dating
We know what it sounds like, but guys, you might want to try the “Penny Method” when dating! It’s a philosophy trending on TikTok of course, but something you should know about. That’s why it came up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning.
According to BuzzFeed, this is now trending and it just might work…then again maybe not. Just be prepared, because there’s a lot of math involved. However, if you’re willing to keep track, it just might be worth a shot.
Guys, Give The “Penny Method” A Shot!
Explained in the article by Youtuber Erika Tham, you might have to listen a couple of times before perfecting this. But basically, you think of your date as a piggy bank. Stuffy it with $100 bills might be a little hard at first, so drop that figure by about 10%. Then after a while, back it up about 5%.
In the end, you are actually putting less effort into the relationship than you started without her even noticing. Why didn’t someone else think about this? Now does this actually work?
Let’s see…according to The M&C Morning Show, there’s a lot to this, so chances are it might not work. Carla Rea even mentioned that she doesn’t know anyone in their 20’s that are dating to ask. Now that would be the thing to do…get some college kids on the show to talk about this.
Ask them if they think it would work! Until then, maybe you can answer that question? But if you think about it, we’ve been doing this for a while. Guys will try to impress that girl with incredible date nights, dinners, concerts and more. Then as you two get comfortable with each other…those night start to die off.
Before you know it, you’re grabbing a pizza, binge watching “Friends” on the weekend! Oh sure, every once in awhile you’ll blow it out, but overall, nothing too exciting.
Heck, come to think of it, maybe we’ve been doing the “Penny Method” for years, we just didn’t know it? Listen to the segment and tell us what you think…and enjoy!