Could A Guy Survive Female “Cramps”
A menstrual pain relief company called Somedays is going viral for a series of videos where men try a device that simulates period cramps. This is what The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to know…especially Mike O’Brian!
So here’s what they did found guys that would voluntarily get hooked up to this machine and then they slowly up the intensity from a “one” to a “ten.” Ten is supposed to be fairly extreme, but still “normal” period cramps.
There were three samples of experiments, one featuring just a guy who wanted to see if he could stand the pain. Then the father of 4 daughters came to the front of the line, as well as a couple to see who would bow out first, the man or the woman…well guess what? Most of the guys start to struggle around a seven…and when it got to ten, well it just wasn’t pretty!
C’mon guys, lets be honest, as tough as we like to think we are, menstrual cramps are something that even would have a tough time dealing with…and every month?
Take a listen to the testing from the segment that ran this morning on The M&C Morning Show…and enjoy!