Haunted Pub Is Home To A Ghost That’s A Wine Snob
No one likes when wine is wasted. No matter what kind it is, you make sure you drink every drop of it. Whether it’s a fine wine or a cheaper wine, there’s something out there for everyone. Then there are the people who only prefer the finer wines. Apparently now, ghosts prefer them too!
This Wine Is Cheap, It’ll Kill Yah!
In the Court Oak Pub, located in Harborne, Birmingham, lives a ghost. They call him Corky. Why Corky? Well there’s a perfectly good explanation for that. He’s a ghost that happens to be a wine snob, according to Mirror.
If you’re wondering how we as people know that this ghost only prefers the finer wines. Well, maybe ask the people who work at the Court Oak Pub. Now before we got Corky’s wine preference, you’re probably wondering how Corky’s ghost got stuck in the Court Oak Pub. The pub is actually built on the property of a 17th century hanging ground. So yeah, you probably can guess there’s a lot spirits there.
Ok, back to Corky. It’s safe to assume he was killed there and his ghost has been there ever since maybe his death by hanging? According to Mirror in the UK, the Pub manager Anne Tyler says that Corky has a very selective opinion on the wine. Anne says that they’d show up to work and find red and white house wines destroyed in the cellar. This kept happening until they finally upgraded their wine selection. It usually happens at night time.
Safe to say the ghost or the Court Oak Pub loves it’s high end wine. The pub also stated that the high limit
People have claimed that Corky has been seen roaming around and even behind the bar. Staff have even said they can feel him when he’s around. Corky is said by staff that he only does this around Halloween season. If the pub has a house wine that Corky doesn’t like, he’ll smash it.
We have more on this story in today’s edition of a Few Things You Should Know!