One Word Nevadans Have Trouble Spelling
The National Spelling Bee in coming up and this has really become a huge deal. So, just for fun, Google put up a “how to spell” map. The results are quite amusing…depending on the state you are originally from!!
On The Mike & Carla Morning Show, both Mike & Carla talked about their home states and the word that is the most confusing to spell. Mike O’Brian being from Indiana, the word “jealous” came up! It’s like what? Seriously…JEALOUSY?
Not to be out done, Carla Rea’s family is from Michigan…so get ready. Evidently the word “cousin” is hard to spell for people in the Great Lakes state!
One Word Nevada Has Trouble Spelling
Now keep in mind that there are words we all struggle with, but to be fair, we want to share those words other states have trouble with. For example, New Mexico’s word is “quiet” for some reason. Ohio can’t spell “equal” and Mississippi is forever looking up how to spell “nervous”!
In the wide open state of Wyoming though, they struggle with the word “corduroy”. And with good reason, given the chance to spell it without looking at it, it would be tough.
Same with “Governor”. That word didn’t pop up with any one state in mind. However, it’s one of those words with a couple of silent letters that seems to throw everybody!
The most interesting fact out of all this is the states that have the most problems spelling other states. Utah can’t spell Mississippi, people in Nebraska have problems spelling California and Maryland can’t spell Pennsylvania.
Well, now that you had a chance to digest all that, get ready Nevada. The one word we have the most problem with is “Internet”! Yep! A majority actually have to go to the internet to find out how to spell it correctly!
Take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment from this morning and enjoy! E-N-J-O-Y!