Should Cellphones Be Banned In School
Banning phones in classrooms. Should this be considered in the U.S? Students have been using their phones in classrooms for years. Some teachers allow students to use them for calculators while other teachers have a no phone policy. Should cellphones be banned from classrooms to help kids focus? The U.K. just announced they’re doing it.
Cellphones In Classrooms:
Kids in England won’t be able to have their phone in class, and can’t use it between classes either. Officials say phones at school are one of the biggest issues teachers deal with every single day.
I can’t even imagine having had a phone in school. If I did, I would have NEVER gotten anything done. Honestly, I might not have even made it through school. Adults are distracted enough by their phones, but kids? Teens? There’s a lot going on there.
Many schools already make kids hand in their phones at the start of the day. But now it will be mandatory in the U.K.
Could US Be Next To Ban Cell Phones:
Is this something we should think about doing here in the U.S.? Some parents don’t like the idea, because they want their kids to have access to their phone if something happens, or they need help. Understandable. But talk to teachers – it’s a huge distraction.
A new study Fox News reported on, found that most to all kids are using their phone during school hours now. ALL KIDS! They polled 200 students between 11 and 17, and 97% admitted to it.
The top thing they’re most likely to use it for at school is to check social media. No surprise there. Some kids are checking their phone HUNDREDS of times a day. And they’re also getting constant notifications. You know – the ones parents normally turn off.
Smartphones For Teaching:
Some of my friends who are teachers, and now vice principals, and principals, say they now try to integrate phones into teaching. Phones are not just phones. They are tablets, and computers. And not every classroom has the tablets they need or want. So your own phone can only help, in that situation.
Smartphones offer more ways to research. Apps offer help when needed. Like with dictionaries. thesaurus, etc.
But are they more of a distraction than a help? In the UK, they have decided – and they say nope! No more cellphones while in class.
Hand over the phones, kids!