Looking For Extra Income? Sell “Merch” of Your Pet!
In this day and age, people make a ton of money just for being on social media. Social “influencers” creating content that in turn gets viewers. Advertisers pay up the nose to have their product advertised on the “influencers” posts! Now there’s a way to make money with your pets!
If you own a pet, there’s your money grab! Fifty-one percent of pet owners think that if they were to sell merchandise of their pet, they’d make a bunch of money online! Thirty-three percent of people asked, already designed their own pet “Merch” and are slinging it online!
Thirty-six percent of pet owners have created dedicated social media accounts for their pets to show off! And to just throw it out there, twenty-five percent of people surveyed said they would get a tattoo of their pet. Sixteen percent already got a tattoo of their pet!
Basically, if you have a pet living rent free in your home, start making merchandise of them and selling it! It could be a second income for your household!
The poll was done by OnePoll.
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Move Over Labrador Retriever, There’s A New Top Dog!
Labrador Retriever No Longer America's Top Dog Breed
BREAKING NEWS in the dog world! For the first time in three decades, the Labrador Retriever is NOT America’s number one dog.
The numbers are in. So which breed has been named the American Kennel Club’s most popular dog breed of 2022?
America’s #1 Dog Breed For 2022
As the world’s largest registry of purebred dogs, the AKC uses their registration statistics to rank the most popular breeds over the past year. For the first time in history, 2022 found the French Bulldog taking the number one spot. This ends the Labrador Retriever’s 31-year reign in the AKC registry, as the most popular dog breed in America.
The French Bulldog has moved into the number one position after steadily climbing the ranks in popularity over the last ten years, or so.
In 2012, the Frenchie (their ‘pet-name’) was ranked at No. 14. Since then, registrations have increased by over 1,000%, bringing this cute little, playful breed to the top. French Bulldogs were in the No. 2 spot in 2021.
Breaking the Lab’s top-dog status of over three decades is not a small feat.
The Reasons French Bulldogs Take The Top Spot
The Frenchie is a very smart, and compact breed, that can fit into various different lifestyles. Which is what everyone would love in a dog. French Bulldogs were first recognized by the AKC in 1898.
People love Frenchie’s – families to single owners – for their charming and very adaptable nature. They have surged in popularity in cities across the country because their small size, and generally quiet demeanor, make them good fits for apartments and smaller homes.
The French Bulldog is number one for the first time, dethroning the Labrador Retriever, which had been number one for 31 straight years. Before that, it was the Cocker Spaniel.
Cocker Spaniels were extremely popular throughout the 1900’s. They were constantly a part of literature, and art. Of course we all remember “Lady And The Tramp,” which only made the popularity of Cocker Spaniels soar, at that time.
Congratulations to the French Bulldog! Remember though, any dog we bring into our family will be a part of our family for a long time. So make sure they are the right fit so you can love them for the rest of their life. And hopefully, you are going to a local rescue before all else!
Here are the current top ten dog breeds
Morty is the Executive Producer of “The Mike And Carla Morning Show” on 96.3 KKLZ. He's been a part of the show and station for 5 years. Aside from producing the morning show, he has served as production director for over 20 years. Those commercials you hear between the music, he produced a lot of them for Las Vegas! He loves music, playing guitar, all things Vegas Golden Knights, the Steelers, and his English Bulldog, Squish! He will talk forever with you on any of these things! Morty writes about peculiar news stories and Las Vegas happenings.