If You’re In Florida, Watch Out For Falling Iguanas
So the story is, if you’re walking around in Florida, just watch out for falling iguanas! You’re heard right…that with the cold temperatures, it seems iguanas are freezing in the trees and end up falling and hitting the ground! So, The Mike & Carla Morning Show needed to find out a little more about this story to find out if it’s true!
Well, according to an article in Newsweek, William Kern, a professor and reptile expert at the University of Florida, told Newsweek. “Iguanas are cold-blooded and at night with no sun to provide solar warmth, they become torpid, unable to move.” With this said, the iguanas tend to freeze, lose their grip in the trees and end up falling to the ground!
So with the chill factor sweeping the state of Florida right now, this is happening more and more throughout the Sunshine State right now. As humorous as this stituation seems right now, it can be hazardous to the iguanas and those people walking around…having an iguana fall on you can hurt! The adult male reportedly weighs eight to ten pounds and having that dead weight fall on you can hurt!
The M&C Morning Show called down to Naples, Florida to talk to their friend Ron who said, “…we have an abundance of iguanas that at one time people’s pets that have managed over the years to breed and multiply.” He went on to talk about the problem happening right now in the area of Florida where he lives and states, the story is true and he sees it happening quite a bit!
It’s quite the dilemma and one we want to hear about first hand…so if you’re interested, take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment. Just when you think all you have to worry about in Florida is hurricanes, bugs, humidity, well guess what?
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