Carla Rea’s Weekly Dose Of “I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know…”
I love random factoids, and I get a list of them everyday . They’re great conversation starters, and they’re also great for being a condescending know it all all at parties. However you decide to use them – enjoy!
1. In France, it’s illegal to disinherit your children. Which means a particular share of the deceased’s estate is legally required to be kept for their children.
2. Scientists have figured out that if the Kool-Aid Man was real, he would definitely have the force to break through a brick wall – but about one-third of his Kool-Aid would splash out in the process.
3. The Mall of America in Minnesota is owned by a Canadian company.
4. Phoenix is the only state capital with a population over one million.
5. Montpelier, Vermont, is the least-populated state capital, with only 8,074 residents as of 2020.
6. Cold weather leads to 20 times more deaths than hot weather.
7. Charlie Brown’s first appearance on TV came in 1959. But it wasn’t in one of his animated specials, it was in a Ford commercial.
8. Nolan Ryan has more strikeouts and no-hitters than any other pitcher in baseball history, and was a first-ballot Hall of Famer. But he never won a Cy Young award for being the best pitcher in a season.
9. If William Shakespeare were alive today, he’d be making more than $15 million a year from royalties, movie residuals, and book sales.
10. The first pregnancy tests were created in Egypt in 1350 B.C., where a woman would pee on wheat and barley seeds. If the barley grew, it meant a boy, wheat meant a girl, and neither meant she wasn’t pregnant. But it was less than 30% accurate. (Gee, really?)
And this week’s best one of all:
11. There was a third founder of Apple besides Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. A guy named Ronald Wayne. But he sold his 10% stake in the company for $800 after two weeks. It would be worth at least $100 billion today!!
-Carla Rea