Las Vegas Attorney Giving Families Free Thanksgiving Dinners
Thanksgiving is the time for year to do good things for others. And Las Vegas attorney Paul Powell is giving away free Thanksgiving dinners for local families.
Paul Powell is back with his annual Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway. And the Paul Powell Law Firm is inviting the whole Las Vegas community to come out. Paul and his Las Vegas PAUL-iday staff will be giving away full turkey dinners for free. With all the fixings. Including a large turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and cranberry sauce. So before you head to the store this Friday, head first to the giveaway.
The Paul Powell Law Firm will be giving away the free turkey dinners at the YMCA in Las Vegas on Meadows Lane. Called the Bill and Lillie Heinrich YMCA, it is located at 4141 Meadows Lane. Across the street from Meadows Mall, just south of the 95 South Freeway near Rancho Drive. The giveaway will be on Friday, November 17 starting at 4:00pm. It will go until 7:00pm, or while supplies last.
This year’s turkey giveaway is a drive through. So families don’t even have to get out of their car. They are invited to stay safely inside while the PAUL-iday staff hands them their free dinner and fixings inside a reusable grocery tote. The event is on a first come, first served basis. No registration is required to receive a dinner, but only one dinner will be provided per vehicle.
Get more information about Paul Powell’s Thanksgiving Dinner giveaway on Paul Powell’s Facebook page. And follow them on social media so you can stay updated with all the other giveaways the Paul Pays It Forward Foundation does throughout the year. Include the Backpack Giveaways in the fall and the Santa Paul giveaways during Christmas. For more information about the Paul Powell Law Firm, visit