CSI Europe Cracking Down On Criminal Dog Poopers
CSI Europe is cracking down on criminal dogs!
It’s irritating to find mysterious, well – dog poo – showing up on your lawn. Especially when you don’t have a dog! These days most everyone has a doorbell or security camera, so that helps when trying to figure out who the four-legged culprit is.
CSI Poopytown:
Europe is going full “CSI” on the situation. Several cities in Europe are now using DNA to track down irresponsible pet owners, who do not clean up their dogs’ poop. If you’re caught, you could be fined around $135 per offense.
Several towns and cities in France, Spain, and the U.K. are using DNA testing to track down irresponsible pet owners.
They have programs that require pet owners to have their dogs’ genetics registered and logged in a database that can be accessed by the authorities for several reasons: If they are lost, or injured – and tracking their opop that has been left out in public.
Your Civic Dood — Duty:
People can collect stray poo in the streets of these European countries, or on their own property, and send it to the police for DNA analysis. Which is somehow both crazy, and awesome, at the same time. And yep, if you get caught, you could be paying a $135 fine.
Can They Make You?
Ok, so how do they stop people from NOT having their dogs swabbed? If you’re out in public with your pet, it is required that you carry proof that your dog is registered, and if you get caught without it, you could be fined as well – around $40.
Most of these programs are relatively new, so it’s unclear how successful they’ve been. But with all the rules, and possible fines that can be levied, it’s probably more of a threat than anything else. I mean, you’d need to have a lot of money and manpower devoted to enforcement and lab testing.
And, after all, it’s not a major crime – it’s dog poop.