Sammy Hagar: He Really Couldn’t Drive 55 But It Gave Him A Huge Hit Song
Sammy Hagar says he really couldn’t drive 55, and that’s why he had such a big hit song.
Sammy Hagar Can Drive Into Las Vegas Anytime He Wants
Sammy Hagar recently opened Sammy’s Island, at The Palms Pool, at The Palms. It’s his own venue, and now he can party in Las Vegas whenever he wants.
He’s doing the “Best of Both Worlds Tour” with Loverboy, at The MGM on Friday, August 9. Then he’s back at his own venue – Sammy’s Island, at The Palms – October 4th and 5th.
Dozens Of Speeding Tickets Gave Sammy Hagar A Hit Song
By the time Sammy Hagar wrote “I Can’t Drive 55” in 1984, he already had 34 speeding tickets, had his license revoked three times, and was paying annual car insurance premiums of $135,000 (YIKES!!) before he wrote, “I Can’t Drive 55” in 1984.
Any guesses to how many speeding tickets has he gotten since the release of that song? Just two. In A&E’s biography special on Sammy Hagar (released June 30th), he talks about those events – and more – that lead him to writing the song.
Sammy Hagar actually wrote the song after getting a ticket in New York for going 62 in a 55 mile per hour zone. He says in that moment he thought, “Man, I can’t drive 55, you know? And then, I swear it was like God struck me with lightning.”
When he got home very late that night, he picked up a guitar and wrote the song. He says it was the biggest thing he’s ever done in his life.
Sammy Hagar Doesn’t Have To Drive 55 Now
In case you didn’t know, the National Maximum Speed Limit was 55 mph from 1974 to 1987. It increased to 65 in 1987. In 1995 that was repealed, and it was left up to the individual states.
But, the national speed limit gave Sammy Hagar a hit song – one of his biggest. So, it was a win-win for him in the end.
Here’s a fun interview KKLZ’s Mike and Carla Morning Show did with Sammy Hagar. Spoiler: He’s not a big David Lee Roth fan.