How Many Time Are We Expected To Say Hi
It’s not something that a lot of people talk about, but maybe they should. How many times a day are expected to say “hi” to the same person. Whether this be at work, jogging through the neighborhood or even at the grocery store.
Isn’t one time enough? Well, this is what The Mike & Carla Morning Show wanted to find out this morning. All started by Carla Rea’s situation yesterday at the gym. These guys kept taking a lap and each and every time they went by, they said “hello” to Carla.
Well, after the first two or three times, isn’t that enough? You’re not trying to be rude, you’ve greeted that person, now can we move on?
How Many Times Each Day Do We Need To Say “Hi” To The Same Person?
After a while, it gets a little ridiculous right. Even in an article from the Life Of An Architect, it claims that you’re a nice person, you’re trying not to be rude, but after the initial greeting that should be it!
Mike O’Brian just thought after the initial greeting, you scale back to a simple nod. That should be enough for the entire day!
However, others texting in and calling into the show this morning clearing thought more about this. To the point where the second time around, just fake like you have to tie your shoes…avoiding face to face time all together.
How about the suggestion of just turning around and totally avoiding the person…oh that’s good! Other listeners were matter of fact and just said they didn’t do anything. They only get one hello and that’s it!
Quite the topic this morning that you have to listen to and even share with friends. It might even make you re-think your philosophy on the subject. Nonetheless, take a couple of minutes and enjoy!