Who Wins: 13 Year Old Versus a 70 Year Old
It was simply the question of the morning…if a 13 year old versus a 70 year old, who wins the fight? It was posted on Reddit the other morning. So, The Mike & Carla Morning Show thought they would pose the question to listeners.
After being confused just a bit on the question the first time around, Mike O’Brian thought the 13 year old would win. Why would anyone get into a fight at the age of 70? Then after Carla Rea set him straight, Mike acquiesced and definitely said the 70 year would win!
Seriously, You Think The 13 Year Old Would Win
Mike even admitted as a 13 year old himself, he would get his butt kicked easily. Weighing about 100 pounds through Junior High, he would definitely have a better chance winning the fight at 70.
What was funny, Carla reminding him at 70, with that extra reach, the elder could put his arm out, put his hand on the kid’s forehead and just keep the kid swinging without hitting anything. Just like her older brothers would do to her. The adult has the size, the weight, and the experience…no contest!
However, according to the article, an overwhelming majority surely thought the 13 year would win! Some stating that there was no way they would lose to a 70 year. Seemed pretty cocky to us, but then again, what do we know right? Others saying that it depends on the fighting experience of both. But went on to say that the teen would be more speedy and agile!
It was surprising how many were ready to throw in the towel for the elder! C’mon now, let’s give the old guys the benefit of the doubt. As one caller said, the old man could just push the kid down!
But first, take a couple of minutes, listen to the segment. The M&C Morning Show also feature some other stories from “A Few Things We Think You Should Know” this morning…and enjoy!