One Habit You Should Stop Doing, It Could Save Your Life
It’s not very often talked about, but there is one habit you should stop doing because it could actually save your life! This was so important that it popped up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning. It was about picking your nose and the long term ramifications…that it can actually might lead to Alzheimer’s.
It all started with a story about Mike O’Brian’s youngest grandson Mikey, who is only 3. During a recent FaceTime call, “Papa” asked Mikey if he was picking his nose? He responded with a very confident “yeah!” Just owning up to it, which was very honest and cute at the same time. This morning, Morty told the story of what his uncle told him as a small child about picking his nose. That’s when all hell broke loose on the show.
The One Habit You Should Stop Doing
It was be safe to say that Carla Rea was actually the voice of reason on this believe it or not. In fact, she looked up what could actually happen if you do this on a consistent basis. According to what she read in a medical journal, the long term affects are not good! Thank God Morty’s mom walked in to find what was going on and set little Morty on the straight and narrow.
But will all this said, it still doesn’t prevent people from doing it! Along with sitting too close to the tv or the best one this morning regarding hemorrhoid’s. A listener texted in that his father had told him and his siblings that sitting on cold pavements would be the cause of hemorrhoids! Not one to argue with his father, they never sat on cold pavement again. But they did have to ask, “…what’s a hemorrhoid?”
All listeners were texting in with things their parents had told them that weren’t true. Take a couple of minutes and listen to the segment for yourself…and enjoy!