Netflix Says Goodbye To DVD Delivery And The Red Envelope
Netflix ships out its final DVDs today, and users get to keep them this time. They became a part of our weekends, but never again will you see a DVD wrapped in that special red envelope again.
The Red Netflix Envelope:
Once Netflix pooped on Blockbuster (may they rest in peace. Except for that one that is still plugging away in Oregon). It was really the cheapest and only way to get hundreds of DVD titles delivered directly to your home.
It was very innovative at the time, and the convenience factor was unbeatable. I mean, the DVD you wanted to watch from the minute it was released such as “Dances with Wolves,” “Showgirls,” delivered right to your house! Truly a “Netflix and chill” weekend!
The First And The Most Popular DVD:
Netflix mailed out its first DVD in 1998. It was “Beetlejuice” (good trivia question). There are now fewer than a million people who still actually subscribe to the Netflix DVD-by-mail plan. And there are only five distribution centers left in California, Texas, Georgia, and New Jersey.
What was Netflix most popular title? According to The Guardian, that honor goes to “The Blindside,” staring Sandra Bullock
Those of you who refused to quit your plans will get that extra bonus: You get to KEEP whatever comes your way. According to The Guardian, some subscribers will get lucky, and receive ten discs as a parting gift. Probably because they have nowhere to store them if you send them back! At Netflix peak, the DVD service had 20 million subscribers, and a library of more than 100,000 titles.
They did a very special “goodbye” video. You can watch it below.
It is rather bittersweet. For all of us, and I’m sure Netflix, as well. I personally remember how excited I would be when I opened my mailbox, and that little red envelope was in there. SCORE!!!!
Good or bad, there are so many streaming services available now. Not cheap, but definitely easy.
Goodbye Netflix red envelope — and thank you!