Tricky Ways To Get Kids To Eat Their Vegetables
Not always a easy thing to do, but there are some tricky ways to get kids to eat their vegetables. Research was done, so the important thing hear is that this is scientific stuff!
Remember, The Mike & Carla Morning Show is here to help…with that said, you have to read on. We all know kids are not a big fans of eating what is good for them. This is especially true when it comes to their vegetables.
But now they’ve done research to proves that there are some clever ways to get them to eat them. According to research, scientists spent 20 minutes reading to kids about super heroes and the vegetables they wouldn’t eat. And how eating the vegetables helped the superheroes with special powers.
Tricks To Get Your Kids To Eat Their Vegetables
After hearing the stories, given a choice of a snack, they chose to eat vegetables! Amazing right? In fact there is another article that features 6 clever ways to get kids to eat veggies.
According to an article in Healthline a few years ago, they say that getting the kids involved with shopping for the veggies and preparing them also helped! Also, they mention using “fun” shapes and bright colors also helps.
Hey, whatever it takes right? Some of our listeners had their own kind of tricks as well. That’s why we wanted to know what you did as parents to get this done. We all want our kids to be heathy, so if it works, then why not?
On the other hand, negotiating with a toddler never seemed to work. Trying logic with a three to four year old, they’re not not buying it. So we all agreed that you had to get creative.
Mike O’Brian, who has two daughters, suggested calling it “candy”! It worked for a while, but as they realized it wasn’t, the battle was on!
If you’re having problems in this department, listen to the segment and see if it helps you…and enjoy!