Why Carla Rea Got ‘Shamed’ The Other Day
There are different levels of “shaming”, but we think we’ve reached a new low. Our very own Carla Rea got shamed the other day and you’re never going to believe for what! Talking to a friend, Carla said she mentioned her need for new brushes for her Oral B toothbrush. Upon hearing this, her friend was SHOCKED (shocked) to find out she didn’t use a Sonicare brand!
So, that became the topic of conversation on The Mike & Carla Morning Show! Now as far as Carla is concerned, she wasn’t aware that get shamed for a brand of toothbrush was even a thing…well guess what? Clearly it is…especially with this one friend. Not sure how many others go with Sonicare as opposed to Oral B. Or even if there is that much of a difference. We’re sure that the difference is minor with the results the same. But to “shame” someone for it is a little low as far as we are concerned.
“OMG Carla, you use an Oral B toothbrush?”
But that’s what The M&C Morning Show wanted to know…what’s the lowest form of shaming you’ve been subjected to? The text lines blew up and listeners started calling in to voice their experiences to M&C. One listener simply said “generic” brands versus name brands! He’s a “generic” kind of guy, but gets shamed all the time from family and friends for going generic.
Toilet paper was another subject of shaming that came up. One woman said that with her family visiting, they couldn’t get over the fact that she was a “Charmin” person! Seriously? For most of us it gets down to one ply or two, but never specific brands.
Hey, we get each person has their favorites, but when it gets down to, “…if you’re using an Oral B brush, don’t think I’ll be able to make lunch tomorrow!” That’s a little ridiculous right? Well, you can listen to the entire segment below…and enjoy!