Do You Remember Your First? (Email Address)
This number seems really high, but maybe not.
Over the course of your entire life, how many different email addresses do you think you’ll use? Would you say it’s more than 50? A study found that for the average person, the answer is now 126!
Now if that seems high, think back on how many you’ve already had. This includes that very first email you came up with – and then the one you replaced it with, because having your birth year in there, with something sexy, wasn’t professional.
But now think about any emails you had through schools you attended, all the jobs you’ve ever had, any website domains you might have bough, any side-hustles or small businesses you’ve started, and any dummy accounts you created just to sign up for stuff without getting spammed (though you still get spammed). When you include all of those, 126 throughout your whole life might not seem so crazy after all.
Now for fun – think about some of those completely idiotic email addresses you had. Not pretty. I asked some of my friends, and their friends what goofy, and embarrassing email addresses they had along the way. Here are some of their firsts:
1. 8008s36c@hotmail – must be leftover from beeper/pager days.
2. Hotbod69@hotmail – friend of friend says he was “in college. I was an idiot…”
3. Cuddles4u@hotmail – typical 90’s
4. Getmesumblink182@aol – obviously a fangirl
5. Nanogirl78@aol – had just gotten an iPod Nano, and loved it!
6. Happyaf123 – She was an animal *lover* freak. She didn’t know what “af” might stand for down the road…
7. – She thought it would be funny, and ironic, to misspell the word ‘smart’. And she was no dumb blonde.
Mine? Not that exciting: Comedychick@aol. Just silly now.
Do you remember your first? As all “firsts” go, probably not your best – but it was still your FIRST!
-Carla Rea