Job Skills Or Life Skills – What’s More Important To Learn In College?
Lots of people sending their kids off to college this month. College is a great time in life, but what are you hoping for your kids, and what do you expect them to learn and get more of while they’re in college? New job skills, or new LIFE skills? Certainly not more partying and drinking skills (which, good or bad, they WILL learn.)
A new poll done by Texas Tech found that 73% agree that college isn’t just about book-learning. It’s also about learning to be an adult.
People were asked to name the hardest things about college. Getting good grades ranks first. But it barely beat out these next three.
1. Learning how to manage your time
2. Having more responsibilities
3. Living on your own. (It is worth noting you can also experience all three of those without going to college.)
85% of people who’ve gone to college say it absolutely helped prepare them for real life. The top things they picked up were organizational skills, and figuring out what they’re passionate about.
Also, the old idea that you’ll never actually use your degree might be outdated now: 70% of people in the survey said they’re still working in the field they got their degree in. 70% of all respondents agree their career goals are more attainable if they attend college.
All in all the poll, parents and students found it’s nearly impossible to assign a dollar amount to the value of college. Although it’s very expensive this day and age, can you really put a number on discovering your passion? How do you put a value on the friendships you make in college – many that last a lifetime, and may help you reach your goals later in life. How do you put a number on the personal growth and development you experience along the way?
College can help you do all these things, while giving you an education. If you take advantage of those opportunities, you may still be broke and jobless – or doing radio – but it will be worth it!
-Carla Rea