These Bad Habits Might Actually Be Good For You!
Everyone knows we’re not supposed to bite our nails, or pee in the shower??? (which we would NEVER admit to anyhow), but what if those things are actually GOOD for you?
Scientists have listed several “bad habits,” and the potential BENEFIT to that behavior, based on some random scientific research. Here they are, but keep in mind, this is just for fun. They are based on “simple science,” so there still may be more negatives than positives.
1. Chewing with your mouth full: makes food taste better by making the aromas easier to smell.
2. Biting your nails: boosts your immune system by introducing it to bacteria.
3. Chewing gum: sharpens your focus and memory.
4. Not cleaning up: messiness can be a sign of intelligence.
5. Slouching: can be good for joints and limit back stiffness after a period of hard, physical work.
6. Being late: makes you happy and less stressed.
7. Sleeping in: helps boost your memory and can help you live longer.
8. Playing with your hair: alleviates boredom and can reduce anxiety.
9. Peeing in the shower: cleans your feet and can prevent fungal issues. But if you have a cut, be warned, you could get a bacterial infection.
10. Fidgeting: can burn 10 times more calories than keeping still.
11. Gossiping: can reduce stress and anxiety. And laughing releases “feel-good” hormones.
12. Swearing: relieves pain, according to a study that found that cursing boosted pain tolerance by about 33%.
13. Snacking between meals: Snacks can be helpful in managing hunger, and can prevent hunger from getting too unmanageable.
14. Skipping your shower: showering every day can dry out your hair and skin, and strip away your natural body oils.
15. Burping and farting: The mother and father of all bad habits help relieve bloating and stomach pain.
Some of these might seem gross, but we’re a culture that lives by the five second rule, and eat food off the floor – so who am to judge!
-Carla Rea
Entertaining audiences at comedy clubs in Las Vegas, throughout the country, and on 96.3 KKLZ, you can count on comedian Carla Rea for the quick one-liner and celebrity interviews, It’s no wonder this powerhouse morning show is unmatched on the Vegas airwaves!