Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your “Friends”? “…OH MY GAWD!”
The big “FRIENDS” reunion is on as we speak. You knew them all, and you loved them, every Thursday Night.
Only ten questions…could it BE any shorter??
1. What band did the theme song?
2. “Friends” ran for how many seasons?
3. Out of the 10 seasons, how many were in the Top 10 of the ratings?
4. What major change did “Friends” go through in 2012, making it different from how it was originally seen in the ’90s?
5. What “Friends” hairstyle became popular worldwide?
6. Who got the only spin-off series after “Friends” concluded in 2004, even getting the same time slot?
7. The names of all six friends were inspired by characters from what soap opera?
8. The big white ceramic dog actually belonged to one of the actors. Do you know who?
9. Who is the only friend to not receive an emmy nod for their work on the show!
10. What character’s appearances were always kept secret?
1. The Rembrandts
2. 10. September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. 236 episodes.
3. All ten. Season 1 was the lowest, #8 for the year.
4. In 2012, all episodes were digitally remastered from the 35mm film, making them compatible to fit into widescreen televisions.
5. “The Rachel”
6. Matt LeBlanc in “Joey”. It only lasted two seasons.
7. All My Children
8. Jennifer Aniston (“Pat the dog” was given to Aniston by a friend for good luck on the first day of shooting Friends)
9. Courtney Cox (I KNOW!!)
10. Janice (actress Maggie Wheeler says “They’d keep me hidden–I could barely come down to get a doughnut. I’d stay in my dressing room until the last moment, then they’d secretly move me from behind the set to the right spot and keep a black screen so the audience couldn’t see me until I made my first entrance.”) OH MY GAWD!!!