Are those Vegas casinos getting the best of you? Well, maybe you’re just not picking the right ones to gamble at. A new study has revealed the luckiest casino in Las Vegas, and you might want to check it out next time you’ve got some extra playing money.

A “loose slots” sign on a marquee is illuminated in gold letters with a dollar sign in the middle. It is surrounded by a red border and gold lights. Many casinos in Las Vegas try to draw players in with similar marketing.
Many casinos try to get gamblers in their doors with big promises of winning. Phrases like “big jackpot” and “loose slots” have become common place on those billboards you see on the Nevada freeways. And not much time goes by before there’s another headline about a tourist landing a jackpot in Las Vegas.
New Study Reveals The Luckiest Casino In Las Vegas
Usually it’s just dumb luck when someone wins at a Vegas casino, but there’s a new study out that suggests there might be a little more skill than we previously thought. And that skill might come even before a player sits down at their first table. The casino they choose to play at in Vegas matters too.
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At least according to this study posted on Which involved gathering information from TripAdvisor to compile a list of casinos people seem to win at the most.
The study collected 2,867 reviews in November 2023 that included words like won, lucky and jackpot. They then researched where the reviewers won and compiled a list of casinos in Vegas that produced the most winners.
Casinos In Las Vegas Revealed As Unluckiest

A man in a white button-up shirt leans against his arms on a slot machine upset about a loss. All Las Vegas casinos have slots but not all of them pay out.
Now, while this is not a complete list of everyone who has won or lost in a Vegas casino, it gives interesting insight. Specifically when it comes to which Vegas casinos have been the luckiest for TripAdvisor users. And which have been downright busts.
According to the study, the most unlucky Vegas casino is Resorts World. With only 0.78% of reviewers saying they had any luck playing there.
Next unluckiest was Wynn Las Vegas, with only 1.72% of reviewers having success. STRAT, Planet Hollywood, and Luxor also fell into the bottom five. All with less than 3.52% of reviewers saying they got lucky.
Falling in the middle at neither luckiest nor unluckiest were the casinos at Mandalay Bay, New York New York, and Bellagio. They all had less than 4% of reviewers getting lucky at their tables.
The Luckiest Casino In Las Vegas: Top 7 To Spend Your Money At
Those are some big names on the Las Vegas Strip. And it may just be that more players means a lower average of winners. But, according to these reviews, these casinos are the ones you want to play at if you want to get lucky in Vegas.