If you have been thinking lately about going to college, now is a great time. CSN, the College of Southern Nevada, just started their spring semester and enrollment closes soon. Classes started this week but new students can enroll through January 23, 2023. Besides being a more financially sound option than others for college, CSN is giving Clark County even more reasons to attend this year.
James McCoy is the Vice President of Academic Affairs at the College of Southern Nevada. He was recently a guest on Talking Solutions. James shared a lot of those reasons with host Wendy Rush. CSN is Nevada’s largest higher education institution. But that doesn’t mean it comes with the largest price tag. CSN is very competitive in their tuition costs. Plus they offer a myriad of financial aid options to students. James goes into detail about these options in the interview.
CSN offers more than 180 different degrees and certifications in over 70 academic programs. Many of these programs are available entirely online or in person. In addition to the traditional two year degrees, the college also offers 15 bachelor’s degrees.
James explained how these bachelor’s degrees are in specialized fields. Fields specific to the industry demands here in southern Nevada. CSN is working with local industries and businesses to produce graduates in the fields that are needed here in our community. And this is one of many ways that College of Southern Nevada focuses on the value of community. James goes into detail with Wendy about other ways the college prides itself on being an institution of inclusion.
Popular classes fill up quickly, so James encourages people to enroll now before they are gone. Those interested and not yet admitted can apply at www.csn.edu/apply. Enrollment closes at the end of this week.
Original Air Date of this podcast was January 15, 2023.
Here’s a recap of why CSN is a great option for those looking to go to college.