
The Rudest Kids In America: Where Las Vegas Ranks

If you think Las Vegas kids are rude, you might be right. A recent survey by showed the top cities in America that have the rudest kids. And Las…

Little boy with shaved blond hair is outside on a playground. Wearing a blue and white striped shirt, he is yelling at the camera in the foreground of the picture.
jegesvarga via Getty Images

If you think Las Vegas kids are rude, you might be right.

A recent survey by showed the top cities in America that have the rudest kids. And Las Vegas was not only in the top ten, but in the top five. The survey asked residents in 28 cities across the country to rate their city's youngest citizens. And the age ranges were grouped into three categories: 5-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds and 13-17 year olds.

I looked up this survey because of stories I've heard from my daughter about what kids are saying to her at her Clark County school. And I was shocked at some of the behavior of these kids. And it's not hard to believe the stories when you consider this survey.

Rudest kids behavior based on age.

The survey rated kids based on the three worst behaviors for the age group. The rudest kids that were in the 5-8 year old group had offenses including not following rules, not using manners, and making messes.

The middle age group's biggest offenses included inconsiderately playing their music and videos too loudly and not saying hello to people. They also made the survey for being lost in their phones. Which makes sense as to why they don't have the time to say hello to people.

The oldest kids were also docked for being lost in their phones. As well as for playing their music and videos too loudly. And finally for swearing.

Who the rudest kids are being rude to the most.

If you're a parent like me, you probably know the answer to this one. The survey showed that it's the parents that most kids are rudest to. Followed by their peers and finally strangers. So yeah, it's not your imagination, Las Vegas. Our kids are jerks. Just kidding. Or am I?

Fortunately, since Las Vegas came in at #4 on the survey, there are three cities in the country that have worse kids than we do. New York City, NY came in at #3. San Francisco, CA kids are the second rudest in the country, according to the survey. And the top spot for rudest kids goes to Philadelphia, PA.

"Have kids", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. - Wendy Rush, 96.3 KKLZ

WTH Are Your Kids Saying? An A To Z Slang Guide

Ok parents, I did it for you - combed through some of the most common teen slang that kids are using in 2023.

Now some of it you’ll be familiar with, because you ARE a parent, or an aunt, or uncle, or grandparent! But some of it may surprise you. Is your kid using weird terminology or phrases? I mean IRL, what the heck are they saying?

Keep in mind that popular slang terms often are attributed to Gen Z, TikTok, Instagram, or other parts of pop culture  It’s also important to note that so many of these words and phrases stem from the roots of African American Vernacular English (AAVE).

Okay Parents, Here's The A-Z Slang Guide

Adults - here's some help from A to Z:

    As parents, you will eventually catch on to their kids slang, so often kids will opt for emojis instead of typing out full words. So here’s some help with the emoji slang - at least the ones I can get away with.

    What Emojis Kids Are Using & What They Mean

    The Peach

    It's a booty, rear-end - a BUTT!

    SlangTurkan Rahimli via iStock for Getty Images

    Panting Face

    Hot! Or HAWT!!

    SlangYsr Dora via iStock for Getty Images

    A Cap

    Symbolizes a lie, which could also be called a “cap.” (see above list)

    Slangphotosynthesis iStock via Getty Iamges

    The Devil

    Feeling frisky, or naughty, Or - nasty.

    SlangYsr Dora via iStock Getty Images

    The Eyes

    Used when sending or receiving nudes.

    Slangchecha via iStock Getty Images

    Chili Pepper

    Indicates “spiciness." (inappropriate or risque content)

    SlangYulia Melnyk via iStock via Getty Images

    Ear of Corn

    Represents "porn," especially on TikTok

    SlangTurkan Rahimli via iStock Getty images

    The Eggplant

    Please tell me you know.

    SlangSudowoodo via iStock Getty Images

    A Taco

    Again, please tell me you know...

    slangTurqay Melikli via iStock Getty Iamges

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    Wendy Rush is the midday host on one of Vegas's top stations, 96.3 KKLZ. She has been with the station for ten years and comes with a diverse career background. In addition to being a radio host, Wendy has lived the Vegas life as an entertainer. She has been a celebrity impersonator, rock band singer, and improv comedian. As a content creator for 96.3 KKLZ, Wendy writes about music, celebrities, mental health and wellness, and life as a Las Vegas local.