The Mike & Carla Morning Show

The Mike & Carla Morning Show

The Mike & Carla Morning Show

Major League Baseball’s opening day will be here sooner than later! For fun, someone created a poll on the best and worst mascots in the Major League!

They’re just as beloved or hated by the teams fans! They even have their own Hall of Fame, which was created back in 2005. To date, only seven MLB team mascots have been inducted into it, beating out mascots from all sports! Several other MLB mascots have been nominated since it’s creation in 2005.

There are only three MLB teams that don’t have one. The L.A. Dodgers, N.Y. Yankee’s, and the Anaheim Angels! So what is their job exactly?  To entertainment but really to cater to young children and help market the team.

For this poll, one-thousand people were shown head-to-head mascot matchups. The results were tabulated based on which ones got the best votes across the board.

Coming in dead last, at twenty-seventh place is Swinging Friar from the San Diego Padres! But who topped the list of best and worst? Below are the top five results!

Top 5 Mascots In Major League Baseball

  • #5. Mr Met From The New York Mets

    We just don’t get this…it’s a baseball player with a baseball as it’s head! Hmmmmm…don’t have a problem with it, we just don’t get it. For that reason, it’s #5 on the list!

    Mr. Met

    Sarah Stier via Getty Images

  • #4. Stomper From The Oakland Athletics

    Keep in mind that this team is moving to Las Vegas. Why they have an elephant as their mascot is beyond us…but nonetheless, fans love it. For that reason it’s #4 on the list!

    Stomper Mascot

    Jason O. Watson via Getty Images

  • #3. T.C. Bear From The Minnesota Twins

    You would think being the Minnesota Twins, they would have two mascots for the team. But as it is, they have a BEAR! What the heck…but the Twin fans love it enough to make it #3 on the list!

    T.C. Bear

    Ricardo Arduengo via Getty Images

  • #2. Clark The Cub From The Chicago Cubs

    This one actually makes sense…they are the Cubs, and their mascot is a CUB! Or at least that’s what we think they’re trying to pass off as a cub! Either way…it’s #2 on the list!

    Clark The Cub

    Brian Kersey via Getty Images

  • #1. PAWS From The Detroit Tigers

    You would this is would be the BEST mascot for any team…they are the Tigers and they have a TIGER for a mascot. And the Tiger fans dig it! Congrats Detroit, it’s #1!


    Doug Pensinger via Getty Images

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