We all love free money! Who doesn’t love it? We all go to our mailboxes, open it up and find that there’s more ads, coupons, and other junk mail cluttering your mailbox. And you sift through it, toss them in the trash and find that you really only had one piece of mail in all that clutter.
If you’re into extreme couponing, those ads and coupons don’t get any attention. A company named Valpak is making sure you don’t toss out their so called “junk mail”.
It’s usually a blue envelope with a bunch of coupons inside. The coupons vary from food places around you to grocery store items. Valpak is making sure you actually open their envelope and look at it’s contents. How?
Valpak has taken ten thousand dollars cash, and inserted ten dollars into one thousand random envelopes! That’s free money!
Oh! Now they have your attention! There’s not catch to this. Valpak wants to make sure you are actually paying attention to their mail. The company gets clients to buy into their plans. In turn, Valpak makes coupons for their clients with their current deals or savings, puts them in that blue envelope and sends them out, hoping people will open it up, take the coupon, and visit the store or location of the client. In the end, the client benefits and Valpak wins.
Valpak knows people aren’t always doing this and their mailers are looked over all the time, so why not put free money in there for you to just take a look? You could open it and find one of the ten dollar bills in it.
A genius idea! They know there’s the possibility of habit and the person opens their mailbox and immediately just throws it away. That means free money could be tossed out. Ugh, that pains me to say.
What’s the point of all this? CHECK YOUR MAIL AND DON’T TOSS OUT THE BLUE ENVELOPE! You could find some great deals and possibly free money!
We have more on this story and others in today’s edition of a Few Things You Should Know! FREE MONEY PEOPLE!