To say you’re completely calm while driving everyday is probably not one-hundred percent true. We hall have that one thing that bothers us while we drive. You and I also think we’re the best drivers out there and we probably don’t irritate other drivers on the road. The truth is, we’re not! Everyone has at least one pet peeve that just irks you while you’re on the road.
Online, people are mentioning their biggest pet peeves and the the term “NICEHOLES” is being tossed around. Basically it’s people who think they’re “nice” but actually dangerous on the roads.
Examples included people who are “Nice’ people who stop in the middle of the roundabout to allow others to enter.” Or, “Stopping on a road randomly to let someone in oncoming traffic turn in front of them.” Or, what about “Waving people through a four-way stop when it’s really you turn to go through it!”
These are just a few examples of what would cause people to get upset when driving. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to driving pet peeves!
If you don’t follow the rules of the road, it can be dangerous to other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and even yourself. On person even said, “Don’t be polite…be predictable” which is probably the best advice when on the road!
We have more on this story and more in today’s edition of a Few Things You Should Know!
Here’s a list of the top five pet peeves people mentioned while driving!