Have You Been Saying These Words Wrong All Your Life
oatawa via Getty Images plusWords are hard, I know. But you're 50 years old, and you should know that a photographer took your picture - not a phertographer.
Have You Been Wrong Your Entire Life
It's a horrible pet peeve of mine, and I know many others: When someone uses the completely wrong word or phrase, or says it incorrectly. And I cringe a little when I hear them. I'm no Rhodes scholar, (no, it is not roads scholar), nor do you have to be one. Just look it up if you are unsure. We literally have information at our fingertips now!
Look at the word. There is no X in espresso. Absolutely nowhere will you find an X in espresso, unless you decided to put it there. And when you asked me what my heighth was - what??? It's height! Next time just ask me how tall I am.
I know that often times people have a hard time pronouncing certain words, or saying the expression correctly. But if you are a realtor, please know how to say the word, REALTOR. Two syllables, not three. It is not rea-la-tor - that is not a word.
Moot is pronounced just the way it sounds - it is not mute. And please, at least try when you're talking about something so serious: nuclear. It is not nuc-u-ler. Not on any day, ever.
Words Are hard - Nipped It In The What?
I was recently talking to someone about a problem they were having at their job. But she said she finally took care of it, and nipped it in the butt. *insert facepalm emoji here* (I wanted to ask if HR saw her do that. But then I thought that would probably land like a thud) The correct expression is 'nipped it in the bud.' May have been saying it wrong their whole life.
There are all sorts of words and expressions that are very hard for people - I get it. Is it butt naked, or buck naked? I completely understand that butt naked probably makes more sense. Since it does, in fact, refer to the nakedness of someone who is naked. But, the correct term is buck naked. Or maybe people just like using the work "butt" in every instance they can.
They are common mistakes, that many make. But it just might be fun to look some of these words, and expressions up. Especially if you're just finding out that it's up and at 'em, not up and Adam!
And remember - never take anyone for granite. I mean granted.
Here Are the 20 Most Common Passwords Leaked on the Dark Web – Change Yours Now!
You might think your favorite password is really easy to remember. But if it's too easy, chances are it's not very secure. Mobile security firm Lookout recently published a tally of the 20 most commonly found passwords in leaked account information on the dark web. As you would expect, many of the passwords are a variation of "12345," while others are as simple as "Iloveyou." With passwords like that, you're putting yourself at risk to get hacked.
We get it: you want a password that is easy to recall. According to NordPass, the average person has more than 100 different online accounts that utilize passwords. It's hard to remember all of those. But, make sure those passwords aren't too easy to hack.
One idea is keeping an old-fashioned notebook - yeah, that thing with paper wound into a binder - with all of your passwords in a secure place. And, switch up the characters, using numbers, letters and symbols.
These are the 20 most common passwords leaked on the dark web
The list is via mobile security firm Lookout.
1. 123456
This is literally the easiest password ever. Do people really use this?
2. 123456789
Taking the easiest password and adding a few more digits..as if that makes it any more difficult to figure out!
3. Qwerty
This one caught me by surprise. Why is this such a popular password choice?
4. Password
You have to be kidding me.
5. 12345
Another super easy one.
6. 12345678
Notice how so many of these are just variations of 12345?
7. 111111
I can't imagine anyone using this as their password, but it's apparently very popular.
8. 1234567
Another variation of 12345.
9. 123123
At least this one switches up the number order a little. But still!
10. Qwerty123
Now we're getting complicated. Not, really.
11. 1q2w3e
This actually doesn't look like a super easy password to me, but it's obviously based off the keyboard, so I can see why it's easy to crack.
12. 1234567890
One more based on 12345.
14. 0
You cannot be serious. Don't most password systems prevent a password like this, anyway?
15. Abc123
Are we in grade school?
16. 654321
17. 123321
Another super easy one.
18. Qwertyuiop
Probably the most complicated on on here.
19. Iloveyou
Very sweet- but not a good password.
20. 666666
All you kids who think it's cool to use "666" for anything won't think it's too cool when you get hacked!
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