Man steals Lyft, but is caught because he used his name to order it.
Sinenkiy via Getty ImagesA guy in Miami carjacked a Lyft driver's car last month. But luckily the police had a pretty easy time tracking him down. Why? Because like anyone who orders a Lyft, their name comes up when you order it. And criminals are not withstanding.
The Police Can Find You Much Easier When You Give The Victim Your Name
Pull off the perfect crime and no one will ever know your name, right? Well, probably not. And this was NOT the perfect crime. First off, it's a 'Florida Man.'
A nineteen year old Florida dope named, Jermiah Charles, carjacked a Lyft driver in Miami last month. And then he drove off in her Toyota Corolla. He started punching her from the backseat until she got out. Thankfully she is okay.
Again, his name-full name - is Jermiah Verdon Charles. How do we know that? Because he ordered the Lyft under HIS OWN NAME. In the words of Fred Sanford: "Big dummy!"
He booked a ride through Lyft app, like you do when you want a ride. Not to steal a car.
Police Can Also Find a Stolen Car Easier When You Park It On the Same Block As Where You Live
He stole the car after booking a ride through the Lyft app. So the driver just gave cops his info, and that's how they tracked him down. They arrested him at home and found the car parked a block away.
The big dummy denied everything, and claimed he hadn't even taken a Lyft that day. But they had the records. Why? Because he ordered the Lyft IN HIS OWN NAME! Do you get what I'm saying here?
A community center's security camera also got him on video. And if you didn't know already, there are cameras everywhere capturing everything. So be nice, keep your pants on, and don't steal cars!
The Florida dummy is facing charges for robbery and carjacking. More on this story, and others, in today's Other News.
The Strangest Uber Eats Orders 2022: A Large Pizza With Peanut Butter
The Mike and Carla Morning Show has talked about the strangest Uber Eats orders from 2022. And most of us have ordered food or know someone who has!
It wouldn't be shocking to order a ham and cheese sandwich, but what about a ham and CREAM cheese sandwich? (I actually love this, but add cucumbers, and / or sprouts) If you like something, it's not that unusual to YOU, but it is to others.
Who ever it was that decided you can dip just about ANYTHING in ranch dressing, had no idea it would be the norm one day. Personally, I like french fries dipped in mustard. No, not because of 'Sling Blade,' because it's good!
Uber Eats Delivery Service released a list of "unexpected food combos" ordered this year. It includes: Ham and CREAM cheese, pizza and applesauce, and sushi and ranch. You have to see the strangest Uber Eats Orders below:
The most POPULAR delivery combo was a burrito and cheese. The second most-popular was fries with salt (This seems like a given. I don't think I've ever ordered "fries with salt" - maybe places are now giving you the option of salted or unsalted, which would not be a bad thing).
Some of the other popular combos are: Cheeseburger with diced onions, chicken sandwich with fries, breakfast sandwich with American cheese, soup with bread, pancakes and sausage, pizza with mozzarella, salad with balsamic vinaigrette, and a quesadilla with sour cream. These aren't unusual, but they are definitely popular.
By the way, Uber Eats says that over the last year their customers have relied on Uber Eats to get everything from pizza and flowers to alcohol, baby products and so much more. These are some of the most unique requests:
Here are a few more of the most unusual food combos, according to Uber Eats, for 2022:
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Fruit Roll-Up and Hot Cheetos
Probably not ordered as a sandwich wrap. But there was a TikTok trend of people mixing the two, so it's likely people were ordering both items (to be picked up from a store) so they could try it on their own. But - ewww.

Photo: domnicky via Getty Images Plus
Pickles and Whipped Cream
I think a lot of food combos come from the love of "sweet and salty". Or this was just a late night pregnancy craving.

Photo: Marija Jokic via Getty Images Plus
Popcorn and Pickle Juice
Pickle juice on the popcorn? I'm hoping the pickle juice went in the dirty martini next to the popcorn.

Photo: Viktoriya Telminova via Getty Images Plus
Dark Chocolate and Tomato Salad
Sounds good, actually! And you can pretty much throw anything in a salad these days, so why not.

Photo: KunKun via Getty Images Plus
Peanut Butter and Pizza
ON the pizza? DIP the pizza in it? I'm baffled, but hey - whatever revs your engine.

Photo: BarnabyChambers via Getty Images Plus
Watermelon and Mustard.
There was also a trend of people trying this on social media last year. Even the artist Lizzo tried it.

Photo: Marat Musabirov via Getty Images Plus
Extra, extra butter on grilled cheese
An actual Uber Eats order request: "This is going to sound insane, but would you be so kind and put a disturbing amount of butter on my grilled cheese? Like, you’re going to need the Red Cross Emergency Rapid Response team on site and provide me with astronaut diapers -just in case." K, bye!

Photo: Richard Stephen via Getty Images
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