The Most Popular Pets In Nevada Might Surprise You
With all the dogs and cats around Las Vegas, it’s pretty clear those are the top two favorite pets in Nevada. But which animal comes next?
I actually assumed the third most popular pet in Nevada might be the desert tortoise. We have so many of those around as well. Turns out that’s not the case. We are also very known in Nevada for our large population of rats. Though residents aren’t quick to domesticate the ones running through our trees and into our attics. And then there is the ever-present wild coyote. But if you’re brave enough to try to tame one of those puppies when it comes around, more power to you.
Trusted House Sitters recently released their findings from data regarding pet ownership between 2018 and 2023. And one thing is clear: people like to own weird animals. Birds and various species of reptiles are becoming more and more popular, according to their research ( The highest growth in popularity in 2018 was actually for the Crested Gecko. It saw a popularity increase of 1000%! It’s actually the most popular pet in Louisiana.
Horses are the most popular weird/unique pet in many states across the country. Idaho, New Mexico and Montana love the American Quarter Horse. Kentucky and Maine are Thoroughbred lovers. And Arizona is a little more exotic with their favorite: the Arabian horse.
Reptiles are getting cozy in more homes these days too. The Leopard Gecko is the favorite unique pet in Alaska, Illinois and Minnesota. Vermont’s favorite is the Ball Python. And the Bearded Dragon is West Virginia’s unique pet of choice.
So which is the most popular unique pet in Nevada? Nope. Not the guinea pig. Not the chinchilla. Our third most favorite pet after dogs and cats is…wait for it…the rabbit.
I know…I thought it would have been something more exotic too. But hey, we still love our bunnies. If you want the whole list from Trust House Sitters, you can find it here.