
Little Expenses That End Up Costing Us More

We all have those little expenses that don’t cost much in our lives. Well, BuzzFeed asked people to name small expenses that in the long run, costs you a lot…

Person using a credit card. They're tapping it to the credit card device to pay for services.

Person using a credit card to pay for something they purchased at a cafe.

Kiwis via Getty Images

We all have those little expenses that don't cost much in our lives. Well, BuzzFeed asked people to name small expenses that in the long run, costs you a lot more than they expected. We all know those little things start adding up. Between those flavored coffees to a happy hour here or there. That expendable income has seemed to become a thing of the past. Or has it? What is amazing is that we all seem to find a couple of bucks here or there when we need it! Just enough money to cash in on those thing we clearly have to have.

But how and much more important is why? How do we all seem to find the extra cash and half the time we're not even looking for it. Just enough to stop to get quick bite to eat going through a drive through. Or even better yet, order it on the app and then have them run it out to the car for us.

Again, all this stuff starts to add up...and that's when we're out. How about when we are just at home? How many of those apps do we have on our tv nowadays? Anymore than just two or three and they start to add up. But we all have to have this streaming channel so we can watch this show or that show. Games, videos and just gets too easy to add it to what we already have, but that's when it starts to add up even more.

Well, here we go...what are those items that seem to add up? That take our money before we even know it. We all know a couple of bucks here, a couple of bucks there doesn't seem like a lot at the time, but if you add it all up? Just imagine all the cash you could save if you just thought it through a little more so than you do. What are the Top 5 little expenses that cost us? Just scroll down to find out. It's all apart of "A Few Things We Think You Should Know" on The Mike & Carla Morning Show!

Apps And Games

When people were asked about the little expenses that cost them a lot, the most common response everyone gave was credit card debt. I think we all can agree with that response as well. It's also the one expense we don't to have to pay. But what other small expenses are there.

One common expense comes from our tablets or mobile phones. That would be because of apps and games we download for them. We may think the app is cool at first, but then we end up not using the app. And majority of the apps have in-app purchases that most definitely cost us more than we want.

Hands holding a phone playing an app videogame.gorodenkoff via Getty Images

Appetizers When Dining Out

When we go out to eat with friends and family, we usually go to a place we all know and like. Most of the time, we already know what entrée we're going to order too. Order a beverage at first and then when the waiter and waitress come over and askes if you're ready to order. They immediately ask if you want to order appetizers. Appetizers? You didn't think about that! You only knew what entrée you wanted.

Those appetizers you end up ordering, they end up costing you about $10 or more. Then you constantly order appetizers when you go out, it adds up. Do we need the appetizer? Not really. The meal is probably more than enough. But we still order the appetizers anyways.

Small meatball appetizers sitting on a plate with toothpicks in them. A red dipping sauce is sitting on the plate next to the meatballs.Mariha-kitchen via Getty Images

Daily Coffee Fix

Coffee is usually a part of all of our days. And while we all rush to get going in the morning, we don't usually have the time to make our coffee at home. What do we do? We make a stop at our local chain coffee shop to pick up a coffee or some kind of fancy morning pick me up. That expense adds up more than you think. A $5 Starbucks a day adds up to around $1,250 a year.

Coffee Cup sitting on a table at a coffee shop.Wipada Wipawin via Getty Images

Food Delivery

After the pandemic, we all got used to having food delivered to us. Once it was over, we still had the habit of ordering food for delivery. Especially through those apps. We may look at it as a small expense, but it all adds up to some serious spending. The delivery fees as well as the other fees make it expensive. Then you add tip on top of it. You end up paying about $15 or more, over what the original cost was.

A hand scrolling on a food delivery service app ordering food.Tero Vesalainen via Getty Images


This is one I feel we're all guilty of for sure! Now everything is a subscription. And we get suckered into paying it. Then after a while, we stop using the subscription, but we don't cancel it because we forgot to. Then next thing you know, you're paying extra money for something that isn't needed. This ranges from streaming services to magazine subscriptions. If you were to remove this expense, it alone would save you a lot.

A hand holding a remote at a TV with a bunch of streaming services on the screen.simpson33 via Getty Images
Morty is the Executive Producer of “The Mike And Carla Morning Show” on 96.3 KKLZ. He's been a part of the show and station for 5 years. Aside from producing the morning show, he has served as production director for over 20 years. Those commercials you hear between the music, he produced a lot of them for Las Vegas! He loves music, playing guitar, all things Vegas Golden Knights, the Steelers, and his English Bulldog, Squish! He will talk forever with you on any of these things! Morty writes about peculiar news stories and Las Vegas happenings.