Celebrate Total Eclipse Of The Sun With These 12 Perfect Songs
A total eclipse of the sun is happening on Monday, April 8th. The moon will pass in front of the sun, blocking all light for about four minutes. You’re don’t…

Celebrate Total Eclipse Of The Sun With This Ultimate Playlist
JAXA/NASA/Hinode via Getty ImagesA total eclipse of the sun is happening on Monday, April 8th.
The moon will pass in front of the sun, blocking all light for about four minutes. You're don't want to miss this solar eclipse, because another one isn't happening for about 20 years. But you'll need the right music, and eyewear.
Use Protective Eyewear When Viewing A Total Eclipse
I remember when I was a kid, and there was a total eclipse back in 1979. Me and my friend Maggie stacked together a bunch of photo negatives, and watched through that. Good luck finding negatives now. But if you still have some lying around, they work fabulously!
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright and cheery face, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN! It is not safe to look directly at it without specialized eye protection for viewing the sun.
Even looking at the bright sun through a binoculars, a camera lens, or a telescope without a special solar filter, can instantly cause severe eye injury. So don't be stupid!
Las Vegas will only see a partial eclipse. It will begin around 10:12 a.m. PST, with the eclipse peaking at around 11:20 a.m. PST. You'll want to put on that protective eyewear if you want to watch. And there are a few places giving out protective eyewear right here in Las Vegas while supplies last.
- Warby Parker - Three locations in Las Vegas
- My Eye Dr. - several locations in Las Vegas
- Local Las Vegas Libraries
When watching the partial phases of the solar eclipse with only your eyes - which happens before and after the total eclipse - you should only look through safe and protective solar viewing glasses. You can also use a pinhole projector. That is literally made by poking a pin through a piece of paper, and watching only through that tiny pinhole. It's very effective.
And for you influencers, and photogs: Red and green are the best colors to wear. They stand out in low lighting and look best in photos. Black, white, gray, and brown are the worst. YOLO!!! (say it like a Kardashian)
Your Playlist For A Total Eclipse Of The Sun
I was talking with some of my friends about the perfect songs for an eclipse. Solar, Lunar, or otherwise, we came up with some good ones.
Here are my favorites to help you gear up, set the vibe, and enjoy any eclipse. Happy viewing, and happy listening!
Total Eclipse Of The Heart - Binnie Tyler
The obvious song to start the list, right? Bonnie tyler sang her heart out on this one. Passionate, powerful - for God sake, TURN AROUND, bright eyes! A great song - for a total eclipse, or even just a partial eclipse (check your area for viewing)
Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
Soundgarden probably did the definitive song, with regards to a solar eclipse. The sound is very surreal and dream-like to begin with. Chris Cornell was such a talent, and he is greatly missed.
Blinded By The Light - Manfred Mann
Bruce Springsteen wrote this song, and also recorded it originally. But it didn't go to number one until Manfred Mann recorded it. It's still a very powerful song to listen to. And it's also a good reminder to wear protective eyewear.
Paint It Black - Rolling Stones
This is exactly what will happen in a solar eclipse, when the moon passes over the sun. It will be painted black for a short while. The song has such a cool driving beat, with Mick Jagger singing it like only Mick Jagger could. Crank it up!
Steal My Sunshine - Len
This was such a fun summer song by Len. An indie pop band from Canada. You'll have the sun back after it is stolen for a short while. Then listen to the song again. I guarantee you'll feel good for the rest of the day!
Walking On sunshine - Katrina & The Wave
One of the most feel good songs EVER! I know the eclipse is probably more subdued, but cranking this up at your eclipse party, with everyone wearing eclipse goggles - that just turns it into an 80's rave. Slam dancing for everyone!
Ray Of Light - Madonna
"Zephyr in the sky at night, I wonder..." This song was very club friendly, yet gave you a very warm feeling. Madonna was in a little different place in her life at this point - kids, marriage. This song, and the Ray of Light album were a cool departure for Madge.
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me: Elton John & George Michael
Elton John released this song way back in 1974. Then he did a live version with George Michael in the early 90's that was a huge hit. Go with this one. Elton and George's voices together were flawless. And this version went on to be even bigger than the original. Play it right as the moon starts covering the sun.
Moondance - Van Morrison
This song has such a chill vibe. A little jazzy, a little big band, a lot of Van. And the piano solo was perfection! Hard to believe this was released in 1970, because it still has such a very contemporary feel. Here is a cool live version. Van Morrison definitely felt his music.
Brighter Than the Sun - Colbie Caillat
Such a great, bouncy, cheerful song to celebrate the sun re-emerging. It's about unexpected love, and lightening strikes - the good ones! I call Caillat's music bubbly indie. I love her sound, her feel, and her lyrics. Her music just makes you feel good!
Fly Me To the Moon _ Frank Sinatra
We can't have a list of song to celebrate the solar eclipse, without a throwback. "Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars..." Frank Sinatra did this song as only Sinatra could do. Doesn't matter how old, or young you are - it's a classic.
The Final Countdown - Europe
A big, grand, rock anthem to either begin, or finish the eclipse festivities! This song has been called one of the best awful songs. to many it is like the "Showgirls" of music. But for a solar eclipse, I think it works. Play it, and you'll see.