8 Amazing S’mores Treats To Try In Las Vegas
Bust out those marshmallows! We’re celebrating National S’mores Day! Which got me thinking. Are there any places in Las Vegas where you can get a really great S’mores dish? Of…

Bust out those marshmallows! We're celebrating National S'mores Day!
Which got me thinking. Are there any places in Las Vegas where you can get a really great S'mores dish? Of course there are. Quite a few, actually. Because we're Vegas. Home to some of the most creative and inspired chefs in the world. So we did a little digging and found some amazing local treats to try, in honor of one of the sweetest national holidays around.
National S'mores Day is celebrated every year on August 10.
And the beloved S'more has been around for almost a century now. The invention of the tasty delicacy is attributed to an American entrepreneur named Alec Barnum. But little is known about him or the validity of this origin story. So we'll stick with what we do know. The first people to make record of the S'more was a tribe of young women with grit, fervor, and cookies.
Yep. I'm talking about the Girl Scouts of America. We can thank those little cookie-pushers for first publishing the S'mores recipe in their 1927 publication. Called Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts, the publication actually called the treat "Some More's". It wasn't until a year later the recipe was printed under the name we know it as today (nationaldaycalender.com).
Which is just the two words combined into a contraction. Is it because people ask for a second one while their mouth is still full with the first? Asking for a friend.
If it ain't broke, you don't you fix it. You eat it!
And the recipe has been the same ever since that first publication. Two pieces of graham cracker. A toasted marshmallow. And half a chocolate bar. People have done a lot to alter the traditional recipe, but the original was so perfect that it's never permanently evolved into anything else.
So feel free to make a S'more this weekend at home to celebrate. Or you can get out of the house and try one of these sweet treats around Vegas that are a delicious twist on our old favorite.
- Wendy Rush, 96.3 KKLZ
BabyStacks Cafe S'mores Pancakes
Okay I'm officially drooling over here. This place has so many amazing options, it would be hard to pick just one. Good thing you have a reason to decide on the s'mores pancakes. And you should.

Braud's Funnel Cake Cafe Smore's Funnel Cake
Oh. My. Gosh. What kind of chocolate-covered sorcery is this? A funnel cake...topped with all the s'mores fixin's. Need I say more?
Hash House A Go Go S'mores Mocha
It's not just food chefs are infusing s'mores into. Try the s'mores mocha at Hash House A Go Go and you'll be so hooked, you might order one to go for your next camping trip.
Traditional S'more At Hershey's Chocolate World
Celebrating National S'mores Day at Hershey's Chocolate is kind of a given. Since Hershey's chocolate is part of what started this whole s'mores revolution. But now they let you mix it up with different flavors of candy on your s'more. Which they toast right in front of you, I might add. Delish.
Holstein's Campfire S'mores Shake
If you're a fan of milkshakes, you have to try the Campfire S'mores from Holstein's. Located in the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Holstein's has gourmet burgers and some of the best shakes on the strip. They're fun to look at and even better to drink. And if you're indulging without driving, check out their alcoholic shakes.
TK's Boba & Creamery S'mores Rolled Ice Cream
This place is close to our house. And we've frequented it many times. Not only do they have a S'mores option for their rolled ice cream, but they make it right in front of you. It's a really cool, and tasty, way to celebrate the S'more.
Sorry Not Sorry Creamery's Campfire S'mores Ice Cream
If you're more into the traditional scoop of ice cream, this is a perfect pick. It's loaded with all our favorite s'mores ingredients.
Crumbl Cookies S'mores Cookie
Crumbl Cookies are so ridiculously good, you would think they couldn't get any better. Until you try the S'mores one. I just had an idea...make a S'more WITH the S'mores cookie!! Okay I need to calm down.