The iPhone is an advanced piece technology that has helped humans with many of their day-to-day tasks. Over the last decade, we as humans are witnessing an evolution of what our phone can do for us. Which is more than just text and talk. So it’s time to give your most beloved piece of technology credit.
Your iPhone notes app can do some pretty cool things that you may not already know.
For those of us that don’t use smartphones, the “Notes” app is a FREE app (in iPhone) that comes with your phone when you purchase it. The app resembles a traditional notepad with lines and paper perforation.
Generally the note app is for, well, taking notes. It helps with storing important details for you to recall at a later time. But what else does the app do beside store notes? A lot more actually.
The app is very advanced with photo capabilities, scanning technology and grouping affects. The app can help manage your life in a way that will organize your thoughts like never before.
We discovered some clever ways to help you with your day-to-day. Need to highlight an important part of your note? You can do that. Organize your notes that with scanned documents with ease.
Find notes with attachments for faster use. No matter what you are using Notes for check out some cool things you can do below: