
Active Living

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Recent Active Living Stories

A crowd of people enjoying craft beers and socializing at a recent Great Vegas Festival of Beer at Downtown Las Vegas Events Center. There are about 15 people in the center of the photo who are sitting under a canopy, around a horseshoe shaped bar. The man in the center behind the bar who is serving beers from tapped kegs is holding up a clear plastic cup full of beer and smiling at the camera. Men and women around the bar are seen waving, showing a thumbs up sign, holding up their cups, smiling, and waving at the camera. More pop-up tents and hundreds of people milling around can be seen in the background of the photo.
“Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall!” The weather is getting nicer. We all want to socialize outdoors before it gets too hot…
Larry Martino