
Applying Your Deodorant And What It Says About You

It started out as a round of “Normal or Nope”, but then turned quickly into applying your deodorant and what it says about you! Always a lot of fun on…

A woman in a towel applying deodorant after a shower

A woman in a towel applying deodorant after a shower

fizkes via Getty Images

It started out as a round of "Normal or Nope", but then turned quickly into applying your deodorant and what it says about you! Always a lot of fun on The Mike & Carla Morning Show with a round of "Normal or Nope" and the things we learn about each other on the show. For example, "Normal or Nope: I've looked up everyone's criminal history online that I know." Is that really normal or not? Come to find out that two out of three said yes! That it is normal nowadays to do.

What about smelling a plate before using that normal or nope? Come to find out that our Executive Produce Morty does it all the time. So for him, that's normal. However, with Mike O'Brian and Carla Rea, it's more about cups or glasses. To rinse them out before using, is that normal? Clearly it is!

So as we moved on, then came the question about deodorant. Is it normal to apply deodorant with the same hand under both arms? Morty actually thought, although a little strange and might be hard to do, it was normal! That's when Mike & Carla jumped in to say how is that even possible. You'd have to have short little arms or flexible wrists!

And then it was time to go one step do you apply your deodorant? That's when it got all kind of interesting. Come to find out that all three of us on the morning show do it differently. Mike with one or two swipes in opposite directions. Carla paints it on and does about 12 swipes up and down. And Morty paints it on as well, but up and down.

Now, believe it or not, people started texting in as well as calling in about how they apply their deodorant. It got quite interesting on the different approaches to all this. We did figure out that if you suffer from OCD, you put it on the same way each and every time.

Listen to the segment this morning, then let us know how you apply yours...and enjoy!

High Percentage Of Men Not Practicing Good Personal Hygiene

Well, if you think you smell bad there might be a reason. Sad to say that some people are NOT taking pride in their personal hygiene habits and we need to step it up! The Mike & Carla Morning Show talked about it this morning and it could be the result of the recent pandemic!

With that said, there is good news and bad news...the good news, more and more people are taking time to wash their face and hands! According to a recent poll put out by SNWS, 90% of people say they wash their face and hands on a regular basis. Of course if you do the math, on the flipside, that means 10% are NOT!

Most Men Do NOT Practice Good Personal Hygiene!

When it comes to other personal hygiene habits, we've dropped off a bit when you actually take the time to look into the study. When it comes to trimming our nails, only 64% of us are doing this on a regular basis. Now we don't think this means chewing our finger nails, but actually trimming them ourselves or getting a manicure!

Another personal habit that we're lacking is using mouth seems that less people are using mouthwash lately! 62% admit to using mouthwash on a regular basis, however, as we mentioned before, if you do the math, that means at least 18% of us are NOT using mouthwash...ick!

And since we're talking about our mouth, let's go one step many people actually floss on a regular basis? Well, it will shock you to know that a little over half of us are flossing on a regular basis! Say it ain't so Joe!!!!

The bottom line is who has a better understanding of personal it men or women? Well, stand up women and take a bow because you win! Close to 60% of women say "yes, we get it!" On the flipside, a little over 40% say the same...which means a little less than 60% of men surveyed are not practicing good personal health! And we're even talking about showering and shaving.

It's a little unnerving...but if you want to scroll down and check out the Top 5 personal hygiene habits we're all doing okay in, then do it! And listen a few other items that came up this morning is a "Few Things We Think You Should Know"!

Top 5 Personal Hygiene Habits We Should All Do


Only 77% of us make sure to wash our faces and provide care for our skin. As we've said before, 77% sounds like a good number until you realize the percentage of people that don't even wash their face! That's why this comes in at #5 when it comes to personal hygiene!

Washing your face

shironosov via Getty Images


Now it's not all about just taking a shower, but more importantly washing those "intimate areas" when you do shower! Only about 81% of us take the time to wash those areas that need to be washed on a regular basis...but let's keep at it because this come in at #4 on the list!

Taking a shower

Maridav via Getty Images


Now we know a lot of women don't wash their hair everyday, but do men have the same excuse as woman for not doing it? Evidently we both do a good job when it comes to clean hair because 83% of us do it...that could be why it comes in at #3 on the list!

Washing your hair

Igor Vershinsky via Getty Images


Glad that people surveyed are using deodorant in some way shape or form, however, wouldn't be nice if this percentage was like 100%? Although it comes in at #2 on the list, 84% use an antiperspirant on a regular basis...and I think we already have an idea of who those celebrities are that are NOT using it right? LOL!

Using deodorant or antiperspirant

YakobchukOlena via Getty Images


Well, the good news is that nearly 90% of us brush our teeth on a regular does that mean 10% don't? It's #1 on the list, but let's be honest, we think it would be much better if all personal hygiene habits were at 100%? Maybe next year right?

Brushing your teeth

shironosov via Getty Images

Mike O’Brian is the Program Director and Morning Show host on 96.3 KKLZ in Las Vegas, along with Carla Rea. He has been with the Beasley Media Group for almost 23 years. Mike was named one of the “Best Program Directors In America” by Radio Ink magazine. Over the years, “The Mike & Carla Morning Show” have been presented with a number of proclamations for their work in the community and numerous awards. Having lived in Las Vegas for over 35 years, he writes articles on living in Las Vegas, sports, and odd stories happening within the state of Nevada. Mike is the host of the morning show and program director of 96.3 KKLZ/Las Vegas. He has been doing mornings in Las Vegas for the past 38 years. Over the years, he has hosted a numerous amount of community events and has been the P.A. announcer for a number of sports teams in Las Vegas. He has written on living in Las Vegas, the sports teams here, as well as odd & little-known facts about Las Vegas & Nevada.