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Georgia Man Slapped With A $1.4 Million Speeding Ticket

If you’ve ever been pulled over for speeding, you know the feeling of anxiety when the officer approaches your window. The first thing you worry about is what’s he going…

Two police officers handing a speeding ticket to a person they pulled over,

Police pull over person and cite them for speeding.

Antonio_Diaz via Getty Images

If you've ever been pulled over for speeding, you know the feeling of anxiety when the officer approaches your window. The first thing you worry about is what's he going to say and then you worry about how much this ticket is gonna cost you. $300 and up and you're freaking out. Imagine how this man from Savannah, Georgia felt when he got his speeding ticket.

Excuse Me, Sir! Do You Know How Fast You Were Going?

NDTV reported that a man named, Connor Cato, of Savannah was driving down a freeway on September 2nd. Cato was heading home when he all of a sudden saw the blue and reds flash in his rear view mirror. Connor was going 90 mph and the speed limit was 55 mph. He immediately pulled over and knew his fine for speeding was going to be high. When the police officer finally handed him the ticket, Cato about flew out of his seat. The fine was seven-figures.

He knew that the ticket had to be a typo or mistake, so Connor contacted the court. That's when things got a little more scary. The person at the court told him that it wasn't a typo. He either had to pay the fine or show up for the court date on the ticket, which was in December.

$1.4 Million Dollars? Are You Kidding Me?

According to an article by NDTV, a spokesperson for Savannah's city government told Cato the price on the ticket was actually just a "placeholder." What does that mean for Connor? He doesn't actually have to pay that value. The value was actually generated by their e-citation. It's used to come up with values for tickets for "Super speeders", which is anyone going 35 miles over the posted speed limit.

So how high can it go? Officials say typically about $1,000. Connor will have to go to court and in court, he will find out what his fine really is from the judge.

City officials in Savannah are working on the fixing and adjusting their e-citations, so incidents like this don't happen again.

We have more on this story and more in today's Other News!

New Car Feature Stops You From Speeding

Should cars have a feature that prevents you from speeding? Wait, what?

If you're someone with a "need for speed" you probably won't like this idea at all: The National Transportation Safety Board is trying to get car manufacturers to add a feature that would prevent people from breaking the speed limit.

Cars have had what are called "governors" for a long time.  That's where you can't go over a specific top speed.  But it's usually pretty high - around 155 miles an hour.

The new feature that is being talked about uses GPS to pinpoint where you are, check the speed limit, and prevent you from hitting the gas, and going over it. New York City is testing it out with 50 government vehicles.  If you hit the speed limit, an alarm goes off.  Or the accelerator just cuts out until you slow down - which seems really dangerous.

There's an override button that lets you speed for 15 seconds in case you need to merge or meet the flow of traffic.  But that's it. What about when you have to pass someone?

The National Transportation Safety Board is NOT trying to force car companies to do this right now.  But they have talked about wanting the government to start incentivizing them with things like tax breaks, and insurance breaks.

I suspect MOST people WON'T like the idea.  However, I think there's a very good chance all new cars WILL have it someday, whether we like it or not.

In this girl's humble opinion, these are the REAL annoying things cars should prevent drivers from doing

Spraying the person behind them with wiper fluid!

Windshield WIpers

Having a "Calvin peeing on the logo of a team they don't like" sticker!

IgnorantTRAVELARIUM / Getty Images

Leaving the "eventual turn" signal on for half of the state you're driving through!

Turn Signal

Red & White Tail Fins From An American Ninteen Fifties Automobile

Blasting Maroon 5 for all to hear! (I mean...)

Adam LevineAmy Sussman / Staff via Getty Images

Making your passengers listen to Maroon 5! (Oh come on - it's MAROON 5!)

Loud speakersKyryl Gorlov / Getty Images

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Morty is the Executive Producer of “The Mike And Carla Morning Show” on 96.3 KKLZ. He's been a part of the show and station for 5 years. Aside from producing the morning show, he has served as production director for over 20 years. Those commercials you hear between the music, he produced a lot of them for Las Vegas! He loves music, playing guitar, all things Vegas Golden Knights, the Steelers, and his English Bulldog, Squish! He will talk forever with you on any of these things! Morty writes about peculiar news stories and Las Vegas happenings.