
First 2023 Case Of West Nile Virus Confirmed In Nevada County

The first case of West Nile Virus was just confirmed in Nevada County. Which serves as a good reminder to check for mosquitos around your home. While Nevada County is…

Close up of a brown West Nile Virus mosquito on a while background.
bwancho via Getty Images

The first case of West Nile Virus was just confirmed in Nevada County. Which serves as a good reminder to check for mosquitos around your home.

While Nevada County is still in California, it touches the border of our state. And that means it's just a matter of time before those little buggers cruise over the state line. Mosquitos positive with the West Nile Virus were already reported in the Henderson area as early as June, by the Southern Nevada Health District. But we just wrapped monsoon season in Las Vegas and even had more rain this past weekend. So with the new case reported in a neighboring county, it's good reminder not to let our guard down.

Once you get the West Nile Virus, there isn't much you can do. There are currently no vaccines to prevent or medications to treat it (Southern Nevada Health District). So you just have to ride the symptoms out if you do catch it. Fortunately, it can't be transmitted from person to person. It specifically comes from being bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. Symptoms can include fever, headache, body aches and joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash (

So, don't get bit... is the moral of the story.

And while we can't guarantee that, regardless of what we do, we can lessen the risk. Through the Fight The Bite campaign, the Southern Nevada Health District encourages Nevada residents to eliminate all standing water around their home. Swimming pools are an exception, providing they are properly treated. Standing water is the perfect breeding ground for mosquito larvae. And water can pool in the smallest of places.

The person who caught the virus in Nevada County hadn't traveled outside of the area, reported, so the mosquito that bit the victim was definitely nearby. Best we can do to protect ourselves is where an effective mosquito repellant, covering our exposed skin with clothes and put netting over areas when possible. And of course get rid of their breeding grounds.

So, check your planters. Check your pool chemicals. And stay safe from the virus, Nevada.

Yes There Are Mosquitos in Las Vegas — Here’s Help

YES! We DO have mosquitos in Las Vegas - and the two we have always seem to bite me!  Anywhere I go I get bit! Time to pull out the mosquito repellent.

For the most part mosquitoes just leave bothersome, itchy bites on your skin. But they can also pose a serious and sometimes deadly risk to your health. When a mosquito bites you, it may transmit harmful pathogens that cause dangerous diseases like malariaDengue feverZika and West Nile.

How to avoid mosquito bites

Female mosquitos bite to get vital nutrients from our blood. They use these nutrients to make their eggs. One single bite can breed about 100 mosquitos!

There are several ways to avoid bites. Wearing long, loose clothing, limiting time outside, placing screens over your windows and getting rid of standing water that mosquitoes seem to love.

Still, one of the best ways to protect yourself from hungry mosquitoes is by using mosquito repellents. There are a lot of them out there, so here’s what you need to know to protect yourself this summer

Early mosquito repellents

The use of mosquito repellents goes far back in time. Some of the oldest records of the use of mosquito repellents date back to early Egyptian and Roman history. Back then, the popular repellent was smoke smudge from fires.

Today, we have more options than our ancestors when it comes to choosing what type of mosquito repellent to use – sprays and lotions, candles, coils and vaporizers, to name some.

These repellents actually interfere with a mosquito’s sense of smell, taste or both. Didn't know their noses or tongues were that sensitive. The repellent either blocks or overstimulates these senses, but it's still unknown exactly how. Who cares, right? As long as they work!

Repellent tests:

For some products, testing was as simple as putting a volunteer’s treated arm into a cage with 25 mosquitoes and waiting for the first mosquito bite. If they didn't - it worked!

For others, like citronella candles, a candle or device was put between a person and a cage of mosquitoes. Depending on the repellent efficacy of the device, mosquitoes either flew toward the person or away -easy enough. However when I'm around, mosquitos LOVE citronella!

Mosquito repellents that don’t really work:

Bracelets don’t work. Department stores and pharmacy chains sell hundreds of different varieties of bracelets. They are marketed as “mosquito repellent” bands, wristbands and watches. They vary from plastic to leather. Even if they're loaded with repellents, they can’t protect your whole body from mosquito bites.

Ultrasonic repellent devices have failed as well. There are electrical plug-ins, free-standing  variations that claim to emit a high-frequency sound that deters mosquitoes by mimicking bats. but, in scientific studies, ultrasonic repellent devices fail to repel the buggers. In fact, one lab found a slight increase in mosquito attraction to the wearer.

Dietary supplements like vitamin B, garlic and so on - also a no go! No scientific evidence points to these working.

Light-based repellents? Nope!  Thought colored light bulbs do work well on moths, beetles and stinkbugs, but not on mosquitoes.

Here is a ranking of mosquito repellents that DO work.


    DEET. Chemical name, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, was developed in the 1950s by the U.S. Army and is a well-established mosquito repellent with a long history of use. The higher the percentage, the longer the protection time is – up to six hours.

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    This is a synthetic repellent that can protect for up to six hours at a 20% concentration. It is a promising alternative for DEET.

    Mosquito repellentCliff Partlow via Getty Images)

    Cliff Partlow via Getty Images

    OLE: Oil of lemon eucalyptus,

    OLE works with the active ingredient, and is a plant-based alternative to DEET and picaridin. Its repellent properties can last for up to six hours.

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    Essential Oils

    Some work well, some not so much. A study tried 20 different essential oils in a 10% essential oil lotion mixture. Clove oil, Cinnamon oil, Geraniol all worked for 60 to 90 minutes. Citronella oil worked for only about 30 minutes.

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    A Spiderman Outfit

    I mean, if you're going to cover up, you might as well do it in style.

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    Wendy Rush is the midday host on one of Vegas's top stations, 96.3 KKLZ. She has been with the station for ten years and comes with a diverse career background. In addition to being a radio host, Wendy has lived the Vegas life as an entertainer. She has been a celebrity impersonator, rock band singer, and improv comedian. As a content creator for 96.3 KKLZ, Wendy writes about music, celebrities, mental health and wellness, and life as a Las Vegas local.