You Might Have Too Many Photos On Your Phone
A lot of us are always snapping pictures here and there. However, it seems most people have way too many photos on your phone! This came up on The Mike…

Female blogger taking photo of her coffee to make a post
DragonImages via Getty ImagesA lot of us are always snapping pictures here and there. However, it seems most people have way too many photos on your phone! This came up on The Mike & Carla Morning Show this morning. But think about it, how many pictures is too many?
According to a recent survey in SWNS, the average person will have about 2800 pictures on their phone. That's the average...between Mike O'Brian & Carla Rea, who do you think has more photos?
Oh yeah, you just might have too many photos!
We will get back to that in a moment, but this morning, The M&C Morning Show was looking for the one person with the most pictures on their phone. One guy called in and was a little below average, which suited him just fine. Others that texted in we're a bit above average...well, aren't we all?
But here's the one problem we all have with no matter how many photos we have. How do we find that one specific one we want to show to friends in the moment? Oh, sure a lot of us will take the time to file, group and put them in a place by category. But for the rest of's a black hole that we tend to dive into when looking for that one snapshot!
The article also mentioned that we take about six snaps a day on average! Okay, admit it, you might be above average right? Even if you are average, six a day over the course of tends to add adds up.
But here's something we found out...more than 60% of us keep the pictures we take to ourselves. And here we thought most of us shared them in some way, shape or form on social media...not true!
So, let's get back to who has more pictures on their phone, Mike or Carla. If you voted for Carla, you would be right. But not by how many do each of them have? For that, you have to listen to the segment below...and enjoy!
These People Take The Most Selfies
Which generation takes the most selfies per week? The residents of which state take the most selfies per week? Where do we take the most selfies? Do men take more selfies than women, or vice versa? recently conducted a survey of 2,300 Americans to find the answers to these questions. Sure, we have been taking photos of ourselves ever since the camera was invented. It was always a little awkward, and film was expensive, but it was possible to get it done. However, now that just about everyone walks around with smart phones, it is much easier and affordable to take a photo of yourself. In fact, people are taking more photos of themselves than ever before.
The Millennial Generation (born 1981-1996) pretty much popularized the art of the "selfie." However, the generation which follows them, Gen Z (born 1997-2012) now wears the selfie crown, according to this survey. Per the survey, the older you are, the fewer self-portraits you take per week. Generation Z females take more than four selfies per week, more than doubling that of Millennial females! Generation X (born 1965-1980) females rank third, with Baby Boomer (born 1946-1964) women averaging fewer selfies per week than their male counterparts in the "Boomer" generation. That was the only generation where the men took more photos of themselves than the women per week.
The survey also revealed that as a nation, we take the most selfies in the bathroom mirror (72%), followed closely by taking selfies in our cars (71%). Other interesting findings include which poses we most often use: 21% take selfies with the "Duck Face" pose. 9% prefer to take "Belfies." Yup, Belfies. That's when you take a selfie which shows off your butt. I tell ya, I learn something new everyday.
You can check out all of the findings of this survey by CLICKING HERE.
So, let's see which U.S. state's residents take the most selfies. By the way, Nevada ranked 32nd out of the 42 states which provided enough respondents for the survey. Here are the Top 5 states where folks are taking the most selfies. Say "cheese!"
5) Oregon

Oregon is a very scenic state. Mountains, rivers, the city of Portland, and the Pacific Ocean on it's west coast. Residents of this state average 2.42 selfies per week according to the study.
4) Massachusetts

In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, residents average 2.44 selfies per week to rank fourth in the survey. There are lots of historic sites in and around the city of Boston. Great photo opportunities for more selfies.
3) Arkansas

The state which came in third really surprised me. The residents of Arkansas average 2.70 selfies per week according to this survey. Folks who live there tied for second in taking the most "Belfies" (selfies showing off your butt), and they tied for second in taking the most selfies while in the gym.
2) New York

I figured New York would make the top five. There are so many famous places in Manhattan to take selfies. Plus, you have Niagara Falls in the northwest part of the state. Another great place in which to take a selfie. Residents averaged 3.25 selfies each week.
1) Illinois

And the winner is....Illinois! Residents of this state average 3.58 selfies each week. "The Land of Lincoln" takes the selfie crown. I'm sure Abraham Lincoln would be proud.
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Larry Martino is the long-time Afternoon Drive personality on 96.3 KKLZ. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of Larry Martino and not necessarily those of Beasley Media Group, LLC.