Two People Damage Great Wall Of China With Excavator
When Did This Wall Get Here? Let’s Break It Down To Get Through It. A 55-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man were arrested for digging through the Great Wall of…

The Great Wall of China during the day time.
Guang Niu / Staff via Getty ImagesWhen Did This Wall Get Here? Let's Break It Down To Get Through It.
A 55-year-old woman and a 38-year-old man were arrested for digging through the Great Wall of China. Why? Because they wanted to get through it.
It's not like the wall just showed up and was in their way. They decided to dig through the wall to create a shortcut for their construction work nearby. They found an existing hole or small opening in the wall and decided to just make it bigger, according to multiple media outlets.
It's How Old?
The Great Wall of China is one of the most popular wonders of the world. It is actually more than 2,300 years old according to China Highlights. Police told local news that the excavator caused damage to the wall that is "irreversible" according to CNN.
The two were arrested by the police in Yuyou after the damage was found and reported on Aug. 24. The damage was located on the part of the wall that dates back to the Ming dynasty. That's around 1368 to 1644. They call it the 32nd Great Wall. It's the area where a watch tower is located that is one of the few well preserved.
The Chinese government have recently upped the protection of the wall because of constant vandalism to it.
What Else Has Been Done?
Two years ago, visitors of the wall were detained, and they were fined by the local police for carving into the wall with a sharp object. And two tourists were also arrested because they entered a part of the wall that is not open to the public. They were charged with trespassing.
As of now, the two who used the excavator are still under arrest and it's still being investigated. All we really want to know is how dumb do you have to be to not consider how idiotic of a decision to break through a wall that is a world treasure?
We have more on this story and more in today's Other News!
Where Nevada Ranks In Hardest Working States
How hard to we work each day? Well, a recent study shows exactly where Nevada ranks when it comes to the "hardest working states" in the country! C'mon, when you think Las Vegas you think good times, fun 24/7, but as far as the state goes, uh, let's just say we have some work to do!
In a recent article put out by Wallethub, they found out that most Americans will put in about 1,811 hours per year. While that might not seem like a lot for an entire year, but it is more than our counterparts in Germany. However, you will find out that those in Colombia work a bit harder. On the other hand, many of us left over half of vacation time on the calendar for that does say something about our work ethic right?
The state of Nevada has to work a little bit harder!
The cool thing about his article is that it breaks it down state by state. In this study, they used about 10 different factors to figure out what state works the hardest. Needless to say, according to the study the state of Nevada isn't real good at keeping it's nose to the grind stone!
Keep in mind that there are a few states that don't work as hard as we do in the state of Nevada. There's not a lot of them, but for instance, the state of Michigan falls below Nevada. We find that a little strange since we consider Michigan a true "blue" collar state. With car factories and more, you'd think that Michigan would rank maybe a little higher on the list?
Also ranking below the Silver State on the list is the state of New York! You would think New York, with the largest city in the country, hard working, day in day out? Not so fast my friend, they come in near the bottom of the barrel!
So, does Nevada come in on the about #45! Take a couple of minutes, read the article and see where your home state comes in on the list. For the Top 5 "hardest working states", scroll down and enjoy!
Top 5 Hardest Working States
Never been, but clearly the people of Wyoming put in the time and in the hours! This is why this state is ranked 5th as the Hardest Working State in the country...good on ya Wyoming!

Known as the "cornhusker" state! But these people know how to get the job down. Hard working, honest people that will put in a good days work...putting it at #4 on the list! Nicely done Nebraska!

We're starting to see a trend here...those states with not a lot of people. But rest assured that those that live in South Dakota are not afraid to work...with that thought, it puts the state at #3 on the list! A job well done!

With it being the largest state in the union, it's claim as the final frontier makes you want to work that much harder when you live there. And depending on the time of year, with the daylight hours lasting more than those of other states, you can bet those people that live there put in hours! Coming in at #2 on the list! Congrats Alaska!

Well, they couldn't let their neighbor to the South out do them right? With that said, the "hardest working state" in the country is North Dakota! Putting in the time and the hours...not the most populated, but truly a hard working state! Congratulations to the state of North Dakota!

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