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She Swallowed Her Dentures — Which Is Very Common

An 88-year-old Dallas, Texas woman accidentally swallowed her dentures. Wait – – WHAT?? HOW?? A Slight Problem At Dinner: In Dallas, Texas, an 88-year-old woman accidentally swallowed her partial dentures…


Swallowing dentures is common

Joe Raedle via Getty Images

An 88-year-old Dallas, Texas woman accidentally swallowed her dentures. Wait - - WHAT?? HOW??

A Slight Problem At Dinner:

In Dallas, Texas, an 88-year-old woman accidentally swallowed her partial dentures while eating. She was having a little pain, but no problems swallowing, but her family took her to ER when they were unable to locate her missing dentures!

Despite her normal vital signs, considering her medical history of Alzheimer’s-related dementia, stroke, and brain lymphoma, doctors decided to perform an endoscopy, to be safe. The missing dentures were discovered in her stomach during the scan. Not concerning to doctors - just unexpected.

A Safe Retrieval:

After several attempts (not really what you want to hear when it comes to a medical procedure...), they managed to successfully find and remove the teeth using a forceps type device. The woman experienced no injuries from swallowing the teeth, and was released the next day.

Images from the internal camera very clearly showed the dentures resting inside her stomach. A scan of her torso also showed the arc of the dentures standing out starkly against her skeletal structure.

Most Commonly Ingested Items:

Medical professionals say that swallowing dentures is a very common occurrence among older adults, particularly those with dementia, due to a decreased awareness of pain and possible confusion. Please tell me this is not our future.

Doctors stressed the importance of vigilance in caring for dementia patients to prevent these incidents from happening.

In addition to dentures, bones, chicken or fish, and jewelry are among the most commonly swallowed items by adults. It is estimated that about 1,500 individuals in the United States die annually from ingesting foreign objects.

It may seem very odd, but it happens - so be aware, and keep an eye on your older relatives. And if this is possibly our future, make sure there is someone keeping an eye on YOU!

Hear more about this in Mike & Carla's OTHER NEWS

5 Things You Think You Are Good At But Aren’t

Everyone thinks they are good at just about everything, but guess what? There are thing you are good at, but you really aren't! It's just not The Mike & Carla Morning Show saying this, take the survey yourself!

According to Ranker, there are quite a few things we all think we're pretty good at, but let's be honest, were just NOT! For example, we all think we can tell a good joke...well guess what? There is an artform to it. A certain amount of timing.

"Do you want to hear a funny joke?"

When someone comes up to me and says, "Hey, I have a funny joke!". Normally my response it, " have a joke, I'll tell you if it's funny!" Oh, look at there, I can vote and say I'm good at being "honest!" Which by the way, came it at #7.

Of course as much as we all think we look and act cool...are we really? To we all have that style when it comes to clothes, hair and overall look? If you look at the numbers, evidently not all of us. That's why being cool came in at #9!

And you know we would all like to think we are awesome in bed! Uh, take another look! Not everyone can be and for that reason it came in at #18! But you have to be good at some of the stuff right? Let's face it, there has to be a reason someone fell in love with you! You can do stuff!

But to find out, you have to look at the overall study. Things like lying barely made it into the Top 25. So that proves we're not very good at stop trying to lie!

Oh, and as much as we all think we can sing karaoke, uh, drop the mic and walk away. That didn't even crack the Top 20. You can also forget being a good kisser! Mike O'Brian has told his story enough time about his first kiss with his didn't turn out so good. But on the other hand, they have been together for years!

So take the survey and find out all the things you truly are NOT good at. Take it as a sort of "reality" check...and enjoy!

Top 5 Things We Think We're Good At But Aren't


Hey, everyone thinks they can sing, but guess what? If we could all do it, we'd all be big pop make a note of it! That's why it comes in at #5 on the list!

Two young girls trying to sing!OJO Images via Getty Images

OJO Images via Getty Images


We'd all like to think we are humble, but when it gets right down to it, we not all good at that. Take a look at the entire list, being humble comes in at #4!

A guy thinking he is truly humble

SIphotography via Getty Images


Whether it be at home or even at work, we really wish we could be good at avoiding drama, but we can't. And we can't avoid getting involved in it...a real good reason as to why it pops up at #3 on the list!

A couple trying to avoid the drama of every relationship

fizkes via Getty Images


Trying to be a good friend and be there to just "listen"...we all think we can do that. Just be a "good listener"...well guess what? We can't and we aren't! That's why the simple task of being a good listener comes in at #2 on the list!

A girlfriend trying to be a good listener, but it's just not working

AntonioGuillem vis Getty Images


You knew this had to be #1 right? We all think we're good drivers, but clearly not all of us are! Have you driven on the roads lately? People not using their turn signals, can't merge, and not even stopping at stop big surprise this is the one thing we think we're all good at, but aren't!

A man behind the wheel of a car with road rage

Paolo Cordoni via Getty Images

Carla ReaWriter
Carla Rea is the morning show co-host on “The Mike and Carla Morning Show" on 96.3 KKLZ, in Las Vegas. She has been working with her partner and friend Mike O'Brian for the past 25 plus years. At KKLZ for 12 years. Carla Rea is a Gracie Award winner. She started out in talk radio, "when talk radio was still fun" Rea says. Prior to, and along with doing the morning show, Carla is also a comedian. You may have seen her on Conan O'Brien, Evening at The Improv, Showtime, or several comedy clubs across the country. Carla also worked as a light feature reporter at KSNV/NBC Las Vegas, going behind the scenes at various shows, and restaurants on the Las Vegas strip. As a content creator 96.3 KKLZ, Carla writes in a sarcastic, cheeky, unapologetic way on Las Vegas, movies, TV, celebrities, and this thing we call life.